Hello, Gorgeous!

“Who’s that kitty in the mirror? That tall, beautiful kitty with the luxurious grey stripes? Whose glowing amber eyes see into the very soul? I have just one question for this magnificent creature: How do I kill you because I’m supposed to be the only cat in this house and I don’t know how mirrors work?”

Or… are YOU supposed to be the only cat? (eerie music)

Via Reddit. “My kitty Tesla was working on his Blue Steel last night.”

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8 thoughts on “Hello, Gorgeous!

  1. debg September 7, 2016 / 1:26 pm

    How can they learn to read if they can’t even get into the building?

  2. allein ? September 7, 2016 / 2:20 pm

    Hey, I just noticed the new tagline on the title banner. While true, of course, not as funny. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike September 7, 2016 / 2:54 pm

      True, but this is the tagline I want to use permanently. For the first month after the name change, I wanted the NTMTOM name up there so that people wouldn’t become confused, but going forward I want a slogan that conveys to new readers what the site’s about.

      • allein ? September 7, 2016 / 3:24 pm

        I figured. I just like the funny. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Gigi the cat lady September 7, 2016 / 2:54 pm

      But NTMTOM is trying to appeal to a broader audience not just NTMTOMER

      • allein ? September 7, 2016 / 3:24 pm

        I know. Oh well, there’s plenty of other funny to go around.

  3. TrixAndSam September 7, 2016 / 11:11 pm

    “Strike a pose there’s nothing to it VOGUE”

    • 6rabbits September 8, 2016 / 7:29 am


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