Leap of Fear

Looney Lava-Leery Leaper Leaves ’em Laughing

Daffodil and Leapfrog live in Oregon with their loving family in a beautiful home — made of scalding hot lava. At least that’s what Leapfrog thinks of a certain spot on the floor that must always be leaped across. And no matter how many obstacles the humans put in Leapfrog’s way, Leapfrog leaps ’em, as this compilation by The Dodo demonstrates.

Murray C. leaped at the chance to send this in.

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16 thoughts on “Leap of Fear

  1. DebG February 23, 2018 / 12:37 pm

    Cats—an endless source of entertainment.

  2. allein ? February 23, 2018 / 12:56 pm

    My bedroom carpet as a kid was blue, so my room was (obviously) shark-infested waters. The dog was blissfully unaware. 😉

  3. Gigi The cat lady February 23, 2018 / 1:48 pm

    That is just weird, even for a cat. I wonder if the cat also jumps when coming from the other direction.

  4. ffleur2 February 23, 2018 / 1:48 pm

    There is obviously a poltergeist under that portion of the floor. Only this cat is aware.

    • Dana February 23, 2018 / 2:06 pm

      That was my thought too!

    • Kar February 23, 2018 / 10:49 pm

      I was thinking a buried Indian shaman. Pesky zoning laws, that’s why I always have a psychic medium who moonlights as a foundation inspector.

      • Alice Shortcake February 24, 2018 / 4:47 am

        I’d think twice before turning on the TV in that house. Oh, and I must have watched the video at least ten times before I noticed that at 0.29 the cat leaps over a dog draped in purple fabric.

    • Amyliz February 24, 2018 / 9:46 am

      Yep, that is the only logical explanation! 😀

  5. Smartypants February 24, 2018 / 8:52 am

    I love the tinfoil ramp on top of the obstacle at about :20 – I assume so she can make it cleanly over the top?

  6. AJ February 24, 2018 / 9:35 am

    Ummm, is everything ok here in Cutetropolis?? Came here expecting my usual Saturday Open Thread and nothing. Hope all’s ok w Mike. Just saw he posted a Maru video so maybe nothing to worry about, he might still be getting coffee. Goes and wanders the empty hallways, “Hello, anyone here?”

    • dubravkamcvmd February 24, 2018 / 9:36 am

      I was worried too.

      • AJ February 24, 2018 / 9:38 am

        Ok, I’m glad to see someone else was concerned. Guess I didn’t realize how much I look forward to Sat’s catch up with everyone.

    • allein ? February 24, 2018 / 10:08 am

      I just turned on the computer and saw the Maru post in my email and a bunch of replies to this thread. I thought, “no open thread? but I have stuff for the open thread!” I think he uses some kind of scheduling tool to set posts to go up automatically; maybe there’s a glitch or he put in a wrong time or something?

  7. Faye February 24, 2018 / 9:46 am

    One time my Mother put a very big pocketbook down on the floor near my large red cat named Butch. The pocketbook started falling over slowly on its own and hit against Butch’s back. He leapt up like he was shot out of a cannon.

    Butch never forgot this. He would stay far away from my Mother’s pocketbook. Of course if he got close enough we would nudge it over again to remind him that it was still ALIVE! We couldn’t resist.

    I’m thinking cat got startled by something way back and is convinced there is something going to get him there.

    • allein ? February 24, 2018 / 10:01 am

      Stars is afraid of plastic bags for similar reasons. When she was little she got one caught around her neck and took off running. Of course, it went with her. Now you can’t even get near her if you’re holding a plastic bag; she will cower and back away. She seems to have extended this association to balloons, as well (at least the mylar ones).

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