B-b-baby Goats!

First it was little Alagash, and now Baxter, Bunker and Bean are the newest baby goats at Sunflower Farms! With lots of attention from their doting mama, the three should be sproinging about in days!

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Links: Teacher’s Pet

Classroom cat, ATM for dogs, naughty pups climb in the kitchen, and baby goat!

And finally: You Gotta Be Kidding Me!

Sunflower Farm’s first baby goat of the season is named Allagash? How cute is that?

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Links: Trash Panda Bunny

Cadbury raccoon, bears steal swan boat, grasshopper gets neck brace, squirrel at work, and more.

And finally: You’re the GOAT, Mom

A9 shares a sweet story to remind us that a mom’s a mom.

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Links: Superstar!

Adopted dog gets limo ride, strangers help stranded goats, guinea pigs munch parsley, dog meets marionette, and more.

And finally: Now We’re Cookin’!

I guess the cat chased off the rat, Andrew Y.

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