Links: Tocktoberfest

And finally: Wiggle Waggle

You can tell by the way I use my walk
I’m a corgi dog, and I rock the ‘tock

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37 thoughts on “Links: Tocktoberfest

  1. dubravkamcvmd October 1, 2018 / 8:53 am

    Great start to Tocktober! I’m really sorry crows do not speak in a language we can understand. I would love to read an interview with that crow. Panda butt fur is probably soft and warm but it seems to me that the crow was being aggressive.

    • Amy October 1, 2018 / 12:39 pm

      It could depend – if pandas blow their coats like huskies, it might not have been a big deal – though my husky hated it when i pulled his tufts out; it must have tickled.

    • Blue Footed Booby October 1, 2018 / 2:17 pm

      I’ve seen crows yank cat, dog, and eagle tails for fun. They’re cheeky critters.

      • MurrayC October 1, 2018 / 3:18 pm

        Hee, hee, well she’s certainly being cheeky here!

  2. tara October 1, 2018 / 8:59 am

    Fabulous links to kick off ‘Tocktober! Perfect way to start a Monday. Thank you!

  3. Faye October 1, 2018 / 9:07 am

    I have had a cyclical relationship with Hugh Jass since 6th grade.

    Best start to Tocktober ever.

    • MurrayC October 1, 2018 / 10:53 am

      Hee, hee, good one Faye. We collect names like that for signing emails to a particular friend. I may have to borrow that one.

      LOVE critter butts and corgis especially – I have to wait to see this ’til later, in a rush today.

  4. LunaChickFringe October 1, 2018 / 9:11 am


  5. allein ? October 1, 2018 / 9:14 am

    Happy Tocktober! It’s gonna be 80 degrees today!

  6. Ricky's Mom October 1, 2018 / 9:23 am

    Aaaaand … now I’ve got Stayin’ Alive stuck in my head. 🙂

    Happy Tocktober, everyone!

    • debg October 1, 2018 / 10:42 pm

      I too was hearing that song all day and dancing like a corgi whenever I got up from my desk.

  7. murkle46 October 1, 2018 / 9:31 am

    I have no idea what is going on here in this pic.

    • allein ? October 1, 2018 / 9:34 am

      They’re watching Donald Rump’s UN speech?

      • Alice Shortcake October 1, 2018 / 9:45 am

        Nah…dogs have better things to do with their time.

        • allein ? October 1, 2018 / 10:02 am

          Don’t we all?

            • allein ? October 1, 2018 / 2:01 pm

              Me, too, but “Donald Rump” is a ‘tock joke so I couldn’t resist.

              I’m not at war with anyone but I will gladly accept peace puppies if anyone wants to send some.

              • debg October 1, 2018 / 10:43 pm

                Me too. Those are gorgeous doggies.

      • fkaWaldenPond October 1, 2018 / 9:48 am

        Happy Birthday Allein! 🙂 How was the chicken and gravy?

        • allein ? October 1, 2018 / 10:03 am

          Thank you! It was delicious!!

          • MurrayC October 1, 2018 / 10:54 am

            YES! Happy Birthday, Allein!

      • dubravkamcvmd October 1, 2018 / 9:50 am

        Happy Birthday!

        • allein ? October 1, 2018 / 10:04 am

          Thank you! ??

      • N. Fritz October 1, 2018 / 11:53 am

        Chiming in with a birthday wish! Happy birthday, Allein and many more!!!

      • Ricky's Mom October 1, 2018 / 5:54 pm

        And by “it,” I meant the explanation of the photo Murkle46 posted above.

        • murkle46 October 2, 2018 / 1:34 pm

          Looks like the correct attribution.

  8. Duckie ? October 1, 2018 / 11:27 am

    Happy Birthday, Allein. ???????
    And thanks, Mike. Somehow, all these ‘tocks made my meds go down easier this morning.

  9. Emsthemonster October 1, 2018 / 11:44 am

    Happy birthday, Allein!

  10. 6rabbits October 1, 2018 / 12:51 pm

    The alliteration at the hamster tock site was a bonus!

  11. murkle46 October 1, 2018 / 1:26 pm

    Happy Birthday Allein!

  12. diane in los angeles October 1, 2018 / 1:44 pm

    Bee & beetle butts: two bugs, two ‘tocks, one very popular flower

  13. Ricky's Mom October 1, 2018 / 2:09 pm

    Happy birthday, Allein!

  14. MurrayC October 1, 2018 / 2:57 pm

    What they’ve failed to include in the Butt List is – ta da! – a Water Butt!

    I did love “Cuteous Maximus” – hamster butts are dee-lish.

  15. AJ October 1, 2018 / 8:43 pm

    Haven’t gotten to most of the links but I just have to warn everyone – DO NOT CLICK TO Drewbert’s instagram. You will drown in the vast amount of corgi cuteness, corgi fluffiness, and corgi furriness. Ack, it’s lethal!! Someone saavvve meee.

  16. debg October 1, 2018 / 10:45 pm

    Me too. Those are gorgeous doggies.

    Supposed to reply to Allein’s post about peacemaking pups.

  17. debg October 1, 2018 / 10:56 pm

    Mike, you’ve kicked off Tocktober in style! What a fantastic collection of links! I howled when I saw the post and didn’t stop until I’d looked at absolutely everything.

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