Pleasant Dreams

mmrph, snurr… Yes, I’m enjoying the dancing squirrels, thank you… uhmm, smack… Waiter, more cheese sauce on my bacon, please… oooh, ghrrm… You give the best belly rubs, your majesty, please continue…

Tofu the French Bulldog via Instagram

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4 thoughts on “Pleasant Dreams

  1. allein ? November 28, 2018 / 11:47 am

    So jealous of this sleepy pup right now. Stupid work.

  2. 6puppers November 28, 2018 / 12:09 pm

    Sleepy pup is making me sleepy too. zzzz

  3. Murray C November 28, 2018 / 1:33 pm

    That’s laugh out loud funny – and oh, so dear. A certain gravitas unusual in a puppy.

    • debg November 28, 2018 / 9:18 pm

      It really is laugh out loud funny–I started chortling at work, naturally.

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