I’m… I’m Good, Thanks

“Heydee-hidee-ho there, pupper-rino! It’s your old pal, Wally Sparklepaws the Wonder Wolf! Sa-a-a-y, would you like to learn Wally’s super-secret magical friendship happy handshake? Of course you would! Slip me some paw and say the magic words: Oofy-woofy shakey-wakey alley-ca-zoodle poofy-pink poodle!

(Yeah, how about I teach you how to find your major arteries, freak.) (Reddit)

I have many questions, Sharon H.

You already voted!

18 thoughts on “I’m… I’m Good, Thanks

  1. allein ? February 6, 2019 / 3:18 pm

    If I don’t look at it, it’ll go away.

    • Ricky's Mom February 6, 2019 / 4:54 pm

      I sure hope so.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd February 6, 2019 / 3:26 pm

    Pup is freaked, as we used to say.

  3. N. Fritz February 6, 2019 / 4:37 pm

    I love the colors! They remind me of my neighbor, The Purple Lady, when I was growing up. She loved those colors and was always working on some sort of craft (e.g. bargello needlepoint) which employed them. She was so joyful, and she had a profound influence on my life.

    • JenDeyan February 6, 2019 / 10:19 pm

      I did not know it was called anything other than needlepoint. I did a small one once when I was in elementary school. I thought all needlepoint was like that. I’ve learned something new. Thanks, Fritz!

      • N. Fritz February 7, 2019 / 9:10 am

        I remember when the Purple Lady taught me how to needlepoint. Since then I love doing mostly cross-stitch and crewel work. She also inspired my love of the color purple, folk dance, VW “pumpkin” buses, spaghetti sauce from scratch and homemade Christmas cards.

    • Kar February 7, 2019 / 9:54 am

      She sounds like the embodiment of the poem about wearing purple as a ‘mature’ lady. Lovely.

  4. MyIglets February 6, 2019 / 4:53 pm

    Oh God LOL the arteries!

  5. Kar February 6, 2019 / 5:21 pm


  6. Dana February 6, 2019 / 5:34 pm


  7. Murray C February 6, 2019 / 5:45 pm

    that’s how I used to respond to my mother spitting on a hanky to wash some unseen something-or-other on my face.

    • Ricky's Mom February 6, 2019 / 5:50 pm

      Ah, the memories …

  8. michael February 7, 2019 / 9:04 am

    Why the down votes?
    I know the pup is unhappy but he’s not in danger.

    • Blue Footed Booby February 7, 2019 / 9:19 am

      Some people are bad about accidentally clicking buttons. Some people don’t like furries. Some are distressed by mildly discomfited pets. Not really sure what caused these particular downvotes.

    • Circe February 7, 2019 / 1:04 pm

      Four dogs viewed this photo.

      • MyIglets February 7, 2019 / 4:41 pm


      • fkaWaldenPond February 7, 2019 / 5:59 pm

        😀 !

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