Links: Candygram!

Walking sharks, pup is cop for a day, house panthers vs. actual panthers, and more in today’s links.

And finally: The Evidence Was Planted!

I’m innocent, I tells ya!

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9 thoughts on “Links: Candygram!

  1. dubravkamcvmd January 30, 2020 / 8:58 am

    i love Renly with his blankie and stuffie.

  2. 6rabbits January 30, 2020 / 10:11 am

    Definitely take walking sharks over the swimming kind!

  3. allein 🐾 January 30, 2020 / 10:19 am

    “DNA testing also revealed that the walking sharks are the youngest type of shark on Earth, VICE reported.”

    Well, no wonder they’re so cute. They’re babies!

  4. Lucy'sMom January 30, 2020 / 11:11 am

    I just want to cry for that pitbull who got to be a K9 but so grateful that he knew how loved he was. And the dog who was attacked by a houseplant? Totally innocent!!!! 😋

    • allein 🐾 January 30, 2020 / 11:13 am

      Have you ever seen a story and thought “I should send that to Mike” but don’t do it and then it shows up here and you start questioning your memory on whether you actually sent it or not? That happened to me with the police dog story.

      Houseplants can by quite vicious.

      • Lucy'sMom January 30, 2020 / 3:14 pm

        Been there, done that. And I’m happy (NOT) to report it only gets worse with age. But you already knew that. 😋

        • allein 🐾 January 30, 2020 / 3:21 pm

          I have also, once or twice, seen something attributed to me that I didn’t remember sending. Once I looked in my sent mail and I had indeed sent it, months earlier. (Another one was only a week or so earlier, so, um…)

        • allein 🐾 January 30, 2020 / 4:22 pm

          lol…I just came across this great phrase: “my ever-more advanced youth” 😀

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