Pumpkinhead But Make it Cute

Reader AB, who brings us all the great photos of Grogu and Rey the French bulldogs, takes us a bit further down the family tree, and it’s the perfect treat for Halloween:

Grogu’s mom, Eleanor, volunteers as a therapy dog at a home for veterans. I went with my friend when she brought Eleanor to a pumpkin decorating event at the home. My friend made a perfect pumpkin doppelganger!

French bulldog looks at pumpkin painted with French bulldog face
Do I really have bunny ears?
French bulldog looks at pumpkin painted with French bulldog face
French bulldog looks at pumpkin painted with French bulldog face
Oh, I’m giving this thing serious side-eye.
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Hair-Raising Tales of the Macabre!

Introduced as usual by Flurnston Boils
Welcome back, fright fans! In our first tale of terror we meet a fussy customer who’s about to have a bone to pick with her hairdresser. It’s a cutting-edge story I like to call A Little Off the Top:

Mimsy Mufflefluff was a glamorous cat, vain and proud. She was covered head to tail in long flowing white fur that she groomed constantly. So when her husband Tom casually remarked “Looks like your fur’s a bit uneven on one side, dear” she rushed herself to the nearest salon.

“Just even it out,” she demanded, and the hairdresser set to work. He was a strange lanky man, with spindly fingers and an eye that kept twitching, but he worked quickly and presented her with a mirror. “Oh, no!” she gasped, “you took off too much and now the other side’s too long. Fix it!” And all that afternoon and into the evening, the hairdresser tried to satisfy her demands, until…

“Oh, Thomas,” cooed Mimsy later that night. “Come and see! Am I perfect now?”

cat looks at prop cat skeleton
Actually, I think your left front femur’s a bit longer than the others…
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Spine-tingling Halloween Links!

Join the cats in the Hollywood graveyard and Poe’s house, squee at baby bats, watch zoo animals wear pumpkins, and more!

With your host, WQTE-TV’s Flurnston Boils
Welcome to Halloween, you naughty trick-or-treaters! Let’s see what Uncle Flurnston has for you in his bowl of goodies… Smarties, Necco wafers, stale Red Vines, actual sticks of chalk… Hmm, perhaps you’d prefer to snack on these fun-sized links instead.

And fatally: Goot EEEE-ven-eeng…

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