Links: But Was it Gripping a Coconut?

Bird beats flight record, sea dog gets award, babysitter cat, hippo loves rubber duckie, and more.

And finally: Rubber Duckie, You’re the One

You make being a hippo so much fun! (via Andrew Y.)
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The All-Powerful Genie of the Vase Surveys His New Digs

(Ugh, looks like I’ve been bought in another yard sale. Let’s see who I drew this time: Standard one-bedroom apartment, clothes draped over the beat-up sofa, dishes in the sink… Yeah, pretty sure I know what this guy’s gonna wish for: billion dollars, private plane, big mansion, same ol’, same ol’…)

Cat peeks from vase
These people have no imagination. (Imgur)
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Links: Pocket Purrs

Cats in pockets, dog and toad, shelter dog still waiting, and Fritz falls for Fiona.

And finally: Fritz Falls in Love

Well, he falls in the pool, but he’s definitely falling for his big sister Fiona. (via Murray C.)

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