Bailey Boops a Bevy of Baby Bunnies

If there’s one thing we’ve come to expect from Bailey the golden retriever, it’s that every small animal he meets gets gently sniffed. Today a trio of baby bunnies get the gentle Bailey touch.

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Maru and the Curse of the Plastic Skull

This Halloween, prepare yourself for a tale of madness, as Maru meets his worst nightmare: a box with a mysterious skull that won’t let him inside! Aaauuughh!

But the story has a happy ending. The skull brings a gift of candy and even shows Maru his head is completely empty, which Maru finds relatable.

More Maru!
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Kids, We Have Grass at the House!

Even though there’s plenty of delicious grass growing oh, just everywhere (waves arms in all directions), the baby elephants have decided that the grass is always greener when it’s growing from a tiny tuft at the top of a cement post. Let’s see how that works out for them.

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