11 thoughts on “I Know You Have Nuts in There!

  1. Haha January 30, 2017 / 10:44 am


  2. Smartypants January 30, 2017 / 10:49 am

    OMG! I’ll trade him a nut for a belly snorgle.

  3. Flowerfanatic January 30, 2017 / 10:59 am

    Be careful with birdseed that you put in your feeders. Or peanuts that you feed on a separate special feeder. Those squirrels will sniff them out and you’ll be in deep trouble. A few years ago when I was shelling peanuts and putting them on a hanging platform feeder especially for the bluejays, a squirrel bit a hole in a porch screen, came inside the porch, demolished the cover on the 32 gallon garbage can the peanuts were stored in and I guess ate until it was stuffed and went back out thru the same hole it came in. No more separate peanuts after that since we had to have the screen area replaced. Well, about 4 months ago another squirrel (maybe even the same one) ate thru a screen again and came in. What it smelled, we have no idea as there wasn’t any food readily accessible this time. I heard a noise on top of a cabinet in the corner and saw a fluffy tail sail down behind it. It would come out, sit on top of the cabinet, and I guess search for food but couldn’t find any. So it bit a hole in another screen and left. This time it cost us over $200 to replace TWO screens which are HUGE — not your usual small window size. So be careful what you wish for as the critters are bound and determined to gain access if at all possible and raise havoc wherever they can. Cute as they are — the can destroy property very quickly.

    • Julie January 30, 2017 / 11:50 am


      I used to keep my bird seed in the garage in a plastic bag, but then one day, I saw mouse droppings at the back door. Now, the bird seed is in plastic tubs.

    • Murray C. January 30, 2017 / 1:09 pm

      We feed peanuts and seeds to wildlife but we store them in the basement – Have had some mouse activity but have taken steps to avoid further issues. What I do love is sometimes I buy raw peanuts and I started noticing these funny plants. Upon closer inspection I saw a split peanut that had germinated, realized this yet another of the plants I’d been noticing, so I let them alone. They have lovely tho’ insignificant deep yellow flowers and a bushy habit. Finally I decided to pull one up and lo and behold there were dozens of peanuts which I fed back to the squirrels. I didn’t realize that peanuts grew so far north – Philly area.

      • Julie January 30, 2017 / 1:53 pm

        HILARIOUS!!! Well, Murray C, I guess we can add “peanut farmer” to your CV, which puts you in good company with George Washington Carver and Jimmy Carter.

  4. allein ? January 30, 2017 / 11:13 am

    Sorry, squirrely, no nuts in my house. But I’m sure we could find you something.

    • Duckie ? January 30, 2017 / 4:19 pm

      Do family members count?

      • allein ? January 30, 2017 / 4:21 pm

        I live alone.


        Hmm…I see what you mean.


  5. Ms Can Opener January 30, 2017 / 1:02 pm

    My Mom used to have a PB&J sandwich for lunch on the patio – weather permitting. There was a neighborhood squirrel who would approach her and beg for a bite of peanut butter. Softy that she was, I’m sure she obliged.

  6. Blue Footed Booby January 30, 2017 / 7:00 pm

    That squirrel looks like he wants to tell about Jesus Christ of latter day saints. I’d let him come in and fill his water bottle, but I’m not buying what he’s selling.

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