Oh, Waiter…

If you’re going by the kitchen, I’ll have the double bacon cheeseburger with curly fries, a large bratwurst with mustard and sauerkraut, a club sandwich on pumpernickel (hold the pickle), a big bag of chips, and a large iced tea…

And is there any of that ham left over?

I hear dogs are good tippers, Sharon H.

You already voted!

14 thoughts on “Oh, Waiter…

  1. allein 🐾 April 16, 2019 / 8:13 am


  2. Faye April 16, 2019 / 8:23 am

    Could he or she be anymore comfortable?!

    Those Wolfdogs who latched onto early humans had this exact outcome in mind. Only took 15,000 years or so.

  3. AJ April 16, 2019 / 8:32 am

    Snerk, talk about entitled. Must be taking lessons from the cat.

  4. Lucy's Mom April 16, 2019 / 8:37 am

    I bet he’s the best tipper EVER… as long as you’re willing to accept snuggles, huggles and slurps. Which I am, of course.

  5. fkaWaldenPond April 16, 2019 / 9:58 am


    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 16, 2019 / 10:34 am

      Now, now; remember, Special Orders Don’t Upset Us.

    • ^oo^ April 16, 2019 / 7:34 pm

      Euphemistically speaking, of course.

  6. pumashadow April 16, 2019 / 10:27 am

    Hey, while you’re in there, can you make me some pancakes real quick?
    (Parks & Recreation)

  7. Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 16, 2019 / 10:29 am

    1965 Grants Scotch Advertisement Newsweek May 3 1965

    • Dulcie April 16, 2019 / 11:14 am

      Ha ha wonderful. Love the laptop.

  8. Kar April 16, 2019 / 11:44 am

    My father still does this.

    We’ll be watching tv, and he’ll ask, “While you’re up….” Smirking the whole time because he knows that he’s just being lazy.

    • Dulcie April 16, 2019 / 12:08 pm

      The unspoken law in our house is that the person with the cat on their lap does not have to get up to fetch the snacks, etc. But they do get to put in orders (up to a point)!

    • Sumo Mermaid April 16, 2019 / 2:59 pm

      A former roommate of my sister was named Joyce and if she got up to get a snack while they were watching TV, Sis would say “While you’re up Joyce, could you get me…” whatever. And Joyce would. It eventually changed to “While you’re up Joyce, could you…” and Joyce hadn’t gotten up. Now, Kar, I assume you don’t necessarily serve your dad, but Joyce would!

      • Kar April 16, 2019 / 7:20 pm

        Of course I do!.

        The man’s 83 and a 20yr veteran. Unfortunately the ‘cat in lap’ excuse doesn’t work with us.

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