Dungeon Master of Disaster

“Orc, your +18 strength roll smashes open the heavy oaken door and you lead your party into a chamber full of ancient relics: the Catnip of Cataloon; the Scratching Post of St. Snavling; and there, on a pedestal bathed in a shaft of golden light, is the object of your quest — the legendary Jingle Mouse of Morocco.”

cat at role-playing game
It all looks so easy.

“Just a suggestion: You might want to have someone in your party with high perception roll to sweep for booby-traps.”

cat at role-playing game
… TOO easy.

Teresa R. rolls 2d20 for submittering!

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5 thoughts on “Dungeon Master of Disaster

  1. Muppet2171 March 6, 2020 / 11:49 am

    +18 Strength???? I’ve been playing the wrong character all this time!

    And if this guy were my DM, I’d even let him order anchovies and catnip on the pizza.

    Meanwhile, I rolled a 1 on perception. Glad that there are no traps!

  2. allein 🐾 March 6, 2020 / 11:54 am

    I don’t play D&D but I would join this game…

  3. Blue Footed Booby March 6, 2020 / 12:28 pm

    Minutes later, the game ends early because the DM whaps all the dice off the table and they’re lost under furniture.

  4. AJ March 6, 2020 / 1:24 pm

    Oh man, flashbacks to high school and even though I didn’t play, I had a good friend that lived for these games. And I agree Booby that the game is going to come to a swift conclusion because DM has knocked every piece off the table.

  5. Metz March 7, 2020 / 2:07 am

    Every single game night it’s a sucession of Cathulu attacks on our map and minis one right after another (Odin, Loki, & Goose), I get up for one moment to take a visit to the Little DMs room and Odin’s taken over the game. TPK, after a bit of cat and mouse, of course.

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