27 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ August 29, 2020 / 9:13 am

    I’m here Ladybug! So nice to meet you. Love the stripes coloring. I’ve brought my friend Georgie to play with you. He’s turning into adorable, lovey dovey but also rambunctious imp. Latest adventure – escaped from his pen this morning because he couldn’t wait for me to let him out. And did that with one leg in a cast. Since I didn’t see it, I’m not sure if Georgie climbed up and out or pushed his way out the door, either way I consider that a major accomplishment for my peg-legged pirate. He’s now laying on me, purring away. If I can pull myself away, I have a few errands to run and laundry to do. Good news is the governor here is reopening some more establishments so I actually may get my hair cut next week.

  2. dubravkamcvmd August 29, 2020 / 9:34 am

    Nice to meet you Ladybug! Venturing out tomorrow night for a rooftop birthday party for a friend’s husband. She is breaking it up over three nights to keep the numbers small and give everyone room. Still, in-person human interaction!

    • dubravkamcvmd August 29, 2020 / 11:32 am

      Thank you for the quick cup of coffee post. Just the thought of a person taking a bath with her kitteh floating beside her in a plastic box cheers me up.

      • allein 🐾 August 29, 2020 / 12:29 pm

        I saw that early in the week and loved it so much I had to save it for today.

    • Debg August 29, 2020 / 1:12 pm

      I’m taking the plunge, people. If you’re interested in buying but dubious about the company, I will report back.

      • dubravkamcvmd August 29, 2020 / 1:20 pm

        I’m definitely interested. The hauspanther looks a bit like my late lamented.

      • AJ August 29, 2020 / 3:13 pm

        Good luck Deb but beware it’s all probably a scam. Hubby is fighting with a similar company that did a bait and switch on him. The video on the ad showed a remote controlled helicopter with a supposedly 2 foot wide rotor width and does all these fancy things, all for half off at $39.99. It took forever to get here and what he finally received was a die cast toy helicopter that you could buy at Walmart for $5. The company is making him jump through hoops to return it and want him to pay for the return shipping, which would probably be more than what we paid for or what the stupid thing is worth. Then he’s ordered a jacket and tshirts that again take forever to get here and the sizes were off (smaller than expected) plus the quality was kinda crappy. Never again.

        • Debg August 29, 2020 / 4:02 pm

          Yeah, I’m likely to be disappointed. But if it turns out okay, CUTE KITTY SHIRT.

    • Debg August 29, 2020 / 1:13 pm

      Love the bubble bath kitty! Don’t know how my babies would feel about it.

  3. Julie August 29, 2020 / 10:32 am

    Cat feet!! 😍

    There is a reason why floor protector socks for furniture are always cat feet. They are the cutest!

  4. Julie August 29, 2020 / 10:33 am

    Love this photo!!

  5. julie wolf August 29, 2020 / 10:38 am

    hi, friends. ladybug makes us squee every day. hope you all are well in these strange times!

  6. Alice Shortcake August 29, 2020 / 1:03 pm

    Sadly I live in a cat-free house, but one day I hope to foster kittens. This site helps to keep my feline cravings under control.

    Changing the subject somewhat, I’ve gone back to researching my family tree. Yesterday I was able to extend my paternal great-grandfather’s line back to the sixteenth century, and I also came across one of the most unfortunate examples of “let’s use mother’s maiden name for one of the kids”…Poole Gore. Rather surprisingly he didn’t grow up to be a serial killer.

    • dubravkamcvmd August 29, 2020 / 1:18 pm

      Or at least he wasn’t caught.

    • Debg August 29, 2020 / 1:28 pm

      Somehow that name reminds of the famous Baby Ruth scene in Caddyshack.

  7. N. Fritz August 29, 2020 / 1:22 pm

    Hello all and especially hello Ladybug!

    I’ve been at an international film festival since Wednesday. Theaters are only about 2/3 full because of social distancing and they have mask rules. We saw 10 films in total. Tonight is awards night. If anyone is interested, the descriptions of the films (in Gernan and English) can be found here: https://www.filmfestivalfreistadt.at/2020/?mod=week

    I also bought a “vintage” suit at a second hand shop. Plum colored with dark plum velvet trim, empire waist, 3/4 sleeves and quirky buttons. My first second hand purchase!

  8. Debg August 29, 2020 / 1:27 pm

    Happy Caturday, everybody!

    Beautiful kitkat paws! I’m sure Ladybug’s face is as lovely as her feets.

    I rewatched Fellowship of the Ring last night and almost hurt myself laughing at “walkies into Mordor” when that moment came up. I’ve been giggling over Allein’s meme all week. Twenty years later, Fellowship is still one of my all-time faves.

    Another lazy weekend, letting my elbow rest. My doctor put in a physical therapy request and okayed workouts with a compression brace. Sadly, knitting for too long makes the elbow twinge a bit (it’s the twisting), but spinning seems okay.

    My workout regimen is really starting to show results. I was actually happy when I weighed myself and measured my waist this morning! My doctor noticed too, and she was both proud of me and happy for me. Affirmations are a good thing.

    Speaking of affirmations, this is the best one I’ve ever seen:

    • dubravkamcvmd August 29, 2020 / 2:30 pm

      What is an affirmation? This is a genre I am not familiar with.

      • Debg August 29, 2020 / 3:43 pm

        It’s a thing people do to boost their confidence or someone else’s confidence. It’s also really funny to spoof them. Before Mr. Hemsworth added to the genre, my fave was this one:

        At work, several of us go around telling each other, “You’re doing a great job today.” It’s kind of a joke but it also shows people that we notice they’re having a tough day, or moment, or task.

        • dubravkamcvmd August 29, 2020 / 5:40 pm

          Ah! It’s a joke about something I’m not familiar with. Thanks for explaining. It’s quite a thing, getting old and out of it. I don’t mind very much.

          • Faye August 30, 2020 / 12:18 pm

            Trying to keep up but not interested in depth about most going’s on at 68.5. Focused on my personal pleasures: art, dog, good tv, reading.

            • dubravkamcvmd August 30, 2020 / 2:40 pm

              I envy your ability to concentrate. Current events overwhelm me daily.

              • Faye August 30, 2020 / 4:59 pm

                I meant random social interests like types of music, fiction books etc. I have CNN on in the background even when I sleep. It’s like witnessing a car pile up in slow motion.

  9. allein August 29, 2020 / 6:40 pm

    Anyone want some pizza?

    • Debg August 29, 2020 / 9:12 pm

      They are all fantastic, but the pizza cheese is extraordinary.

      • allein August 29, 2020 / 9:35 pm

        More here…I like the ketchup bottle.

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