Cats go Peanuts!

Now here’s a cat dad who knows what kitties like: A wading pool filled to overflowing with (safe to eat) packing peanuts for his cats Snoop (the cautious one) and Zara (the rambunctious one). True to their natures, Snoop tests the waters slowly while Zara dives right in.

As the cats get used to it, Snoop decides the packing peanuts make the perfect nest, while Zara incorporates the pool into the run-and-pounce workout regimen.

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8 thoughts on “Cats go Peanuts!

  1. allein 🐾 August 17, 2021 / 2:53 pm

    That looks fun…

    • DEBG August 17, 2021 / 3:12 pm

      It really does.

  2. Dubravkamcvmd August 17, 2021 / 3:07 pm

    Interesting … the failure of the packing peanuts to take any action in response to the cats actions seemed to inspire the cats to take stronger action against the peanuts!

  3. Murray C. August 17, 2021 / 3:29 pm

    He’s going to be finding those cheese doodle thingies in odd places for YEARS!

    • Dana August 17, 2021 / 4:17 pm

      Uh huh!

      I really thought at least one of them was going to think the pool was a gigantic litter box.

      Imagine the fun Miri would have with this!

  4. Georgiana August 17, 2021 / 4:17 pm

    I love my cats but I don’t think I could live for long with a living room/kitchen full of packing peanuts and the cats are spreading those things everywhere!
    Also he better pull out that oven to clean under it because I’m sure there are peanuts under there, that could be a fire hazard.

  5. Debg August 17, 2021 / 9:51 pm

    Zara’s whiskers of excitement!

    • Kar August 18, 2021 / 3:39 pm

      She is adorable. Reminds me of my dear tuxie Harley. So named because of her loud motor.

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