Weekend Open Thread

Merry Christmas to all in Cutetropolis! We hope your day is happy and calm and that you got all the gifts you were hoping for. At the home of reader Muppet2171, that list might include a new window seat:

So their first window seat gradually lost adhesive power on the window sill and slowly tilted downward until it wasn’t habitable anymore. The second one… not sure what happened. It just fall down and go boom. Penny & Teller have developed different ways of coping while they wait for me to get more velcro tape.

cats on floor. one walks away

Bonus picture: “Possibly the best photo of Teller I’ve ever taken.”

With me as a subject, how could you go wrong?
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22 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. allein 🐾 December 25, 2021 / 8:07 am

    Merry Christmas to all the Cutetroplitans who celebrate it.
    And if you don’t…Happy Caturday!

    I brought you all a Christmas treat: a lovely hour-long conversation with Andrew Cotter & Olive & Mabel. (One thing I learned: Mabel didn’t like the cover photo for the second book and tried to challenge it, but lost, because her lawyer is a small stuffed owl.)


    I love that Olive was happy to work the crowd (or maybe she was just trying to get cake from the coffee bar at the back) while Mabel mostly stayed on the stage near Andrew (he said she’s a worrier). Partly because that meant you could see Mabel through most of the video; didn’t see Olive too much once he let them off their leashes (plus it’s kind of dark so she’s hard to see even when she is on stage).

  2. Dulcie December 25, 2021 / 8:27 am

    Merry Christmas to all Cute peeps!
    Thanks for the lovely gift Allein. (And Mike for your daily gift!)
    Penny and Teller are sweet little munchkins!
    Have a happy day everyone! 💕💕🎄🎄

    • Debg December 25, 2021 / 3:27 pm


  3. allein 🐾 December 25, 2021 / 9:01 am

    One last thing, please keep a good thought for all the sprinkles sufferers this holiday…

    • Murray C. December 25, 2021 / 9:12 am


    • Debg December 25, 2021 / 3:27 pm

      I . . . I was told there was hope for them now. Does the treatment not work? (sniff)

      • allein 🐾 December 25, 2021 / 4:22 pm

        I guess some folks can’t handle the side effects…

  4. AJ December 25, 2021 / 9:07 am

    Merry Christmas and Happy Catmas to one and all. Penn and Teller look especially festive with the snow falling on them. Going to be a quiet day here at my household, may take a drive up the coast if the rain stops, then watching some movies, and out to dinner. Between getting the new house ready, and it just being the 2 of us, we decided not to cook so we’re off to Casa de Fred’s for Mexican tonight. We’re continuing our tradition of being untraditional.

  5. Murray C. December 25, 2021 / 9:08 am

    Happy Christmas (or holiday of your choice) to you all. Thanks, Allein – I did get to see this a day or two ago when I took a break from making cookies. I’m a cookie-baking fiend this year! Hubby and I distributed them to the neighbors yesterday. Off to brunch with neighbors then a quiet dinner at home. We don’t do gift exchanging anymore – amazing how much stress that alleviates. I hope everyone enjoys the day and that the year to come sees happier times – I fear there may be some major bumps in the road before that happens, but daily cuteness will help us through!

    • Murray C. December 25, 2021 / 9:11 am

      How could I have failed to comment on the rapturous beauty of Penn and Teller! What gorgeous kitties!

  6. Georgiana December 25, 2021 / 9:18 am

    Penn and Teller are beautiful kitties!

    No celebration here, husband and I don’t do gifts anymore and all get togethers with family have been cancelled due to the rise in cases of Covid so it’s just a normal Catruday in our house which means laundry and housework.

    We will allow ourselves a little festive fun come diner time tho, husband has a crown of shrimps he plans to devour and I’ll be dining on smoked salmon and we’ll finish with fruitcake and a glass of good cognac.

    Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and love to everyone.

  7. Andrew December 25, 2021 / 10:52 am

    Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays everyone!

  8. Jeannine Pope-Carter December 25, 2021 / 11:27 am

    Merry Christmas, All! Penny and Teller are gorgeous. I am sure Teller is sneaking “Glamour Glow Up” tips to Penny. Working on a Sunday sermon until I go visit the fam. VV low-key mostly charity donations these days and cash to the teenagers. It is going to be a ridiculous 72* F here. It was nice and chilly for a few days, then nothing much now for cool weather until NEXT week. Christmas is a state of mind, then. I used to live in FL on the Naval base, so I’ve had practice. I hope ya’ll save a seasonally appropriate holiday with all travelling Mercies. Peace for 2022.

  9. Dana December 25, 2021 / 12:01 pm

    Merry Christmas / Merry Catmas / Happy Holidays Qte-land!

    Penny and Teller are beautiful.

    Now I gotta go see what Maru/Hana/Kitten Miri got for Christmas!

    Have a happy, healthy, peaceful day everyone.

  10. SoccerSue December 25, 2021 / 1:14 pm

    Merry Catmas and Happy Caturday! Always love seeing photos of the beautiful Penny and Teller!

    We actually woke up to a white Christmas today…sort of (just a dusting, but we’ll take it!) We’re supposed to get 1-3 inches (which for us, at 625 feet, means at least 3 inches) later today but I’m hoping it will hold off until we take my mom back home tonight. She’s bringing an overnight bag just in case.

    Making Christmas dinner tonight, but nothing too fancy- ham, deviled eggs, rolls, carrots, and my mom’s bringing a potato dish and a dessert.

    Other than that, just doing one last check and edit on the photos I took in Denver last weekend and making sure the band has all the ones I wanted to send them.

    Hope everyone’s Christmas is safe and enjoyable!

  11. allein 🐾 December 25, 2021 / 1:17 pm

    We’re having a wet Christmas here. My cousin’s daughter is here from Denver (she’s a grad student at university of CO). Just got to my uncle’s a little bit ago and I am drinking Pepsi with a splash of bourbon.

  12. Duckie 🐥 December 25, 2021 / 1:30 pm

    Merry Christmas to all!

  13. Debg December 25, 2021 / 3:32 pm

    Happy day, everyone! Penny and Teller always look so beautiful and regal, even when they’re a little miffed about lack of velcro.

    It’s supposed to reach 55F here today. My half-brother in Virginia asked if we’d gotten a lot of snow (a common misconception about Colorado) and I just laughed.

    I’m spending the day with the people I love most–my furbabies–and doing things I enjoy, like weaving and spinning. Yesterday’s dye session produced some unexpected results that taught me a few valuable things.

  14. Kar December 25, 2021 / 6:14 pm

    Merry Christmas Cutetropolis family! This has been a complicated year, full of a lot of highs and lows.

    Here’s to 2022 being more highs than lows!!`

  15. Dubravkamcvmd December 25, 2021 / 6:39 pm

    Penn and Teller are gorgeous, as always. Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!

  16. Alice Shortcake December 26, 2021 / 4:49 am

    A quiet day at the Shortcakery with a brief flurry of excitement after dinner, when a piece of baking paper I left too close to the oven touched one of the hot rings and caught fire. My dad wasn’t feeling well and barely touched the meal, but I told him it would be an easy matter to make him another Christmas dinner when he feels better. I spent most of the day listening to the ghost stories of M R James on audiobook and watching “The Green Knight”.

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