Links: A Christmas Leftover

Christmas pets, kanga on the roof, smiling dog, cute orphan seal, and more.

And finally: Maximum Security

“There’s gotta be a way in.”
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16 thoughts on “Links: A Christmas Leftover

  1. allein 🐾 December 27, 2021 / 8:16 am

    We used to have those Christmas Muppet dolls!

    I love the little Christmas moo, too.

  2. DEBG December 27, 2021 / 9:26 am

    Chevy’s smile–chills. Though it also reminds me of my favorite line from The Death of Stalin, “I’m smiling, but inside I’m furious!”

    Cuddly Zara needs all the cuddles! Poor baby.

    Crated Christmas tree is brilliant, though the cats will probably knock over the whole crate.

  3. AJ December 27, 2021 / 9:54 am

    Christmas animals was cute and funny. I’d be a little suspect about the caller too if someone told me a roo was on a roof. Almost sounds like a children’s book. Pure genius putting the tree in a cage, even though I can see all 5 cats dragging it across the floor.

    Talked with my niece and she had me howling with the antics of one of her cats. It seems Miss Sammy (a tortie with all the tude plus we suspect she was dropped on her head few times as a kitten ’cause sometimes she ain’t all there) found the baggie of left over ham my niece brought home from Christmas dinner at her dad’s house and was dragging it across the floor while growling at it. Mind you this cat is only about 5 pounds! Then later at 3 am after using the litter box, she lingered a little too long on the edge and flipped the box on top of her along with all the litter. She had a little trouble getting out from underneath it and all my niece saw was the litter box moving across the floor. I told my niece between this cat, her other cat, and 13 yr old son, it sounds like her home is a 3 ring circus.

    • Georgiana December 27, 2021 / 2:55 pm


    • Debg December 27, 2021 / 9:33 pm

      Maybe more rings. Kitty sounds like a character!

  4. Dana December 27, 2021 / 11:34 am

    I too love the crated Christmas tree – LOL – but agree with Debg and AJ, those kitties will still find a way.

    Kitty with the Muppets puppets – better look out. Someone is going to get a present in their shoe later as payback.

    Woke up with a sore throat, headache and chest heaviness. (Are you kidding me???) Maybe it’s just a cold but how I could even get that is beyond me when I wear a mask everywhere and have limited social contact. Will try to get a rapid test later today.

    • ^oo^ December 27, 2021 / 12:37 pm

      So worrisome! Hope the test confirms that it’s something other than… what we all fear.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom December 27, 2021 / 12:54 pm

      Oh, Dana, I hope it’s just a cold!

  5. Dulcie December 27, 2021 / 11:35 am

    Duckie…did you survive the cold yesterday? Did the power go out?

  6. Duckie 🐥 December 27, 2021 / 1:21 pm

    (Unintelligible throat and guttural noises)
    Morning, peeps.
    Yesterday did not happen. Yes, Dulcie, the power did go off, for seven hours. I had hand warmers and glow sticks set up around Duckie’s cage (she was NOT impressed, but she did snuggle up next to the warmer I had set up on the outside of her cage nearest her favourite perch), but there was not much for me. I had candles, blankets and hand warmers, but hubby had been out in the -20C windy snowy weather for several hours at work, and when he got home, he could not warm up. So we had to make a dreadful decision and went over to my sister’s for heat and food. They knew I wasn’t feeling well and gave us space by the fire and food. We were there for maybe two hours, and then found that our power had returned. So we came home, made sure Duckie was okay (I got an earful from her) and I went to bed. The power flickered a couple of times, but stayed on.
    This morning I got up and functioned, but I’m giving serious thought to going back to bed. Nothing specific, but I just feel thick and blah. Even my eyes feel congested.
    Had a severe shock yesterday. A near family member, whose actual identity I will keep to myself, received an email from his parents informing him that, since he has not gotten a COVID shot for himself or his children, and is not a supporter of the vaccination, they will no longer help to support him or his children. They sent no Christmas presents to their grandchildren, and have apparently cancelled all the funds they had put aside for their grandchildren’s post secondary education. I do not like this family member, resent being related to him, and detest his attitude towards this COVID situation, but his parents’ treatment of his children to punish him is loathsome. My family is already helping him with his situation, and hubby and I are are also helping hubby’s dad, and now hubby’s brother, who has been trying to find a place to live for three months since he received notification that his landlord was selling the house, and we have no funds left. But these children are related to us, by marriage and blood, and we feel an obligation.
    Peeps, is it my imagination, or are people getting nastier? The news seems to have more stories of violence, robbery, murder, etc. There is an increasing number of people needing help.
    Mike, more and more, I am finding that we NEED this site. It is a place of refuge and safety; somewhere we can go and take a break from life. If I ever get enough money to pay off our debts, I fully intend to remember my debt to you.

    • Dubravkamcvmd December 27, 2021 / 2:16 pm

      I think people are getting nastier, yes.

    • Georgiana December 27, 2021 / 3:16 pm

      I definitely think that people are getting angrier and meaner and I think it’s a worldwide phenomenon. People seem to have lost the ability to empathize with others.
      It’s mostly me, myself and I now, only my opinion is valid, only people who think like me, live like me, pray to the same god as me are good all others are bad and do not deserve consideration. I get very sad sometime about the state of the human race.

    • Emsthemonster December 27, 2021 / 3:39 pm

      Oh sweet Duckie,

      The power went out here as well (at the other end of the world). But it wasn’t cold here, so that wasn’t a problem. The same drama is going on in my family about my anti-vaxxer brother…
      Yes, people get more and more aggressive.

      • Carlotta December 27, 2021 / 6:47 pm

        You do hear about lots of nastiness, but what I see out and about is the opposite. However, I will have some trouble being totally civil to my oldest nephew, who doesn’t “believe ” in the vaccine. Yes, if it was just him… but my great-niece won’t get vaxxed because of this. She’s the closest I have to a grandchild!
        Anyway, what I really wanted to mention was the sudden existence of chopped onions on reaching the picture of Luigi who was in Beirut last Christmas. Lovely cat-spoiling!

    • Laura December 27, 2021 / 7:33 pm

      Oh, Duckie, that’s terrible about your relative! Granted, I think the folks who refuse vaccines aren’t real bright, but to then deprive *children* of Christmas presents and a contribution towards college because of their parents’ attitude? That’s truly shameful behavior, completely incomprehensible! I hope the kids are able to see that other people love them, no matter what their parent’s decision about vaccines is!

      And I have great sympathy for your power outage. When we lived in Maryland, after one winter storm we had power knocked out and, because we lived on a small cul-de-sac at the end of the power lines in our area, we were the very last people to get our power back — after four miserable days! We ended up taking our pets to my boss’s house, where the power never went out, since my kids had two snakes — not my favorite pets, but it wasn’t right to make them freeze along with the humans. We curled up under every blanket and quilt in the house, and I struggled in to work unkempt and just grateful for warmth and hot beverages!

      I would recommend you guys get a small portable stove that you can use with either bottled gas or some such to at least be able to heat up water for hot drinks. I remember reading about a scientific experiment where college student volunteers were dunked in ice water for as long as they could stand it, and then provided with a variety of ways to warm up. And hot drinks beat everything else hands down — they could warm up from the inside out. So do think about something like that. We have a tiny little Korean stove that uses a small bottle of gas that is only less than a foot square but is useful for just that purpose. (Now, of course, we need the opposite — a way to stay *cool* after a hurricane knocks power out in August, and it’s 95F with 95% humidity!) The best option, of course, is for the power never to go out at all….

    • AJ December 27, 2021 / 8:13 pm

      Duckie, I’m so sorry about all your troubles. No children should ever suffer because of their parent’s attitude, if they’re underage, they have no choice in the matter and didn’t ask to be born to idiots. I have several friends and family members that I don’t agree with but my problem is with the adult and I still try to get gifts and keep the kids in my life. And I’m finding that yes, the majority of people have gotten nastier, more short-tempered, and have less empathy for anyone else. I think a lot of people lost their social skills during lock downs and with all the various shortages – staff, supplies, etc – just gave up trying to relearn them.

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