Weekend Open Thread

Yay! It’s Caturday, time for the open thread. And this morning reader D. S. brings us a new visitor, who looks rather surprised to see us:

Long time lurker but I don’t post much. However I caught this photo of my cat, Finlay, mid-yawn, showing off his goofy self. He’s a loving, happy boy barely a year old.

Cat with mouth slightly open
I look surprised, but I’m just bored.
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28 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Georgiana May 6, 2023 / 8:31 am

    What a cute kitty, I always loved black and white cats and such cute little white murder daggers in his mouth, so tiny they almost look like baby teeth.

    Things are looking better here, my sciatic nerve has stopped hurting for the most part, I just get a twinge when I do certain moves and so I stopped the medications and went back to just taking Ibuprofen when needed. It’s great to feel more like myself and not tired all the time, those meds worked but the side effects were not fun.

    Also great is that the sun has finally reappeared after a week of rain and cold and is supposed to stick around all next week with temperatures finally going up to sandals and shorts weather.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.

    • Dubravkamcvmd May 6, 2023 / 11:37 am

      Good news. Nothing better than when pain goes away

  2. Tara May 6, 2023 / 8:57 am

    Aw, what a cute boy. Finlay you are adorable. Thank you for sending in D.S.

    Georgiana – glad to hear the pain has subsided to tolerable!

    It is looking like a nice day today. Lots to do. Can’t decide if I should fix the flat tire on my bike to ride to yoga, or to just drive so I can run errands afterwards. Big life decisions over here! 😆
    Hoping everyone is doing well and has a lovely weekend!❤️

  3. AJ May 6, 2023 / 9:33 am

    Such a handsome boi, thanks for sharing. Glad the back pain has lessened Georgiana, and may the weather be nice.

    Hubby is in Yuma AZ for his car club meeting and I stayed back to look after the tiny terrors so I have a weekend to myself. And I’ll be using it to recuperate from the hellish work week. We had 2 people on my team leave in the last two weeks (just in time for our busy period) so I’ve been tasked with taking on the majority of their duties. On top of my usual work load. By Friday I’m just wiped out physically and mentally. Hopefully, we find qualified people soon and they get up to speed quickly. Only good thing to come out of it is I may finally get an office with a window.

    Probably run a few errands, hit the library, and do some shopping. And plenty of butt in chair cuddling with doggos time. Hope wherever you are, it’s warm and sunny!

  4. 6rabbits May 6, 2023 / 10:04 am

    What a cute boy! He looks like he’s exclaiming something?
    Dreary weekend here, rain and overcast, BUT we are at 65 for a high today, and around the same for the next week. Yay!
    As a Happy Birthday, took Theo out on his new leash yesterday. Since he escaped, I’m assuming leash is too big and will have to adjust. He bounded over to the neighbor’s, turned around and looked at me, and RAN! I could hear the cackling laughter behind him. I was having trouble getting up off the tiny step out my patio door (stupid knees can’t get up well if I’m down too low🙄) and Theo proceeded to investigate and ignore me. Then he high-tailed it around to the neighbor’s front yard where I couldn’t see him! Finally managed to get up and go after him. He was in their flower bed. I did manage to pick him up without trouble, and take him back to the house. Sheesh!
    Hope everyone has a good weekend, and glad you are doing better Georgiana!

    • DEBG May 6, 2023 / 11:20 am

      Was it your birthday? Did we miss it?

      • 6rabbits May 6, 2023 / 12:17 pm

        My birthday was back in March.
        This was THEO’s birthday (May 1). He is now a 9 year old bun😁

  5. allein🐾 May 6, 2023 / 10:27 am

    Aw, hello Finlay! He looks a bit like Kitten Miri with his tabby-cap.

    It’s been a long, frustrating week. It’s closing week and my work computer died on Monday, so I had a few hours where I got literally nothing done (I was able to eventually get to some stuff on my coworker’s tiny laptop but didn’t have access to a lot of things so I kept having them run databases for me) and now I have a new hard drive so all my connections had to be redone and all my shortcuts are gone and one thing still isn’t behaving correctly (but at least it works). Thankfully the help desk was able to pull all my files on my old hard drive (he said it got very hot so he wasn’t sure how damaged it was) and put them on a thumb drive for me. I ended up deleting a lot of it but some stuff I needed or just wanted (on the unlikely chance anyone comes looking for that data from 3+ years ago, oh well, it was lost). Thursday I had a panic attack at work. Thankfully my boss is very understanding, but I really rather he didn’t see that.

    Today I just want to sleep but I dragged myself out of bed around 9:30.

    I have one day of my naproxen left, and my leg seems to be a little better but is still burning some (just not as bad, most days, and the pulling sensation in my ankle is much better, though not totally gone) and the sensitivity to cold touch on my right side is still there. So I think I will be back at the doctor next week. She said if the naproxen didn’t help she’d send me for an MRI. Part of me doesn’t want to do that but another part thinks even if it doesn’t find anything at least maybe it would give me some peace of mind). And I’ve already hit my deductible for the year (before all of this even started, because I had other stuff going on).

    On the up side, my mom passed her stress test.

    • 6rabbits May 6, 2023 / 10:49 am

      I’m so sorry to hear about the computer problems. Since you are so good with them it must have been especially frustrating for you!
      I, too, think you should get the MRI. It might give you peace of mind, or provide answers. Good luck!

    • DEBG May 6, 2023 / 11:29 am

      Yes to the MRI, just so you can rule out some possibilities.

      I love these sheep so much.

    • 6rabbits May 6, 2023 / 10:51 am

      Extremely cute, but the noise!😵‍💫

      • allein🐾 May 6, 2023 / 10:56 am

        Just perfecting their howl!

        Yeah, I’d have to train it out of ’em.

    • AJ May 6, 2023 / 11:04 am

      Too funny! But would get old fast. My two when they heard them got wide-eyed and were doing the whole head tilt thing of “where is that noise coming from??”

      • allein🐾 May 6, 2023 / 11:05 am

        Pablo almost never even barked. When he did he looked as surprised as the rest of us.

  6. DEBG May 6, 2023 / 11:28 am

    Finlay is lovely! We’re happy to meet you, baby!

    I’m happy to hear that Georgiana and Allein are feeling better. And I’m sorry about computer woes and work troubles. Things have been stressful at my job for the past few months–it wears you down really quickly. Sounds like we’re all taking care of ourselves on the weekends, which is necessary.

    My potatoes and one clematis have sprouted! After weeks of up-and-down temps, and my lackadaisical watering, I wasn’t sure anything would survive the below-freezing temps right after I planted stuff on the balcony. (Yes, my actions determine the weather.) Some container plants didn’t survive, but others pulled through and a few are thriving. I’m astonished at how excited I am.

    This weekend, I’m sewing: hemming handwoven towels, starting some microwave cozies, and starting a valance for my studio. It’s time to get those window treatments up! Lavender will undoubtedly “help” as she loves running around my feet in the studio.

    Hugs to you all. And remember to take care of yourselves.

    • Georgiana May 6, 2023 / 6:30 pm

      microwave cozies?

  7. Duckie 🐥 May 6, 2023 / 11:50 am

    Morning, Finlay. Come to Duckieville; it’s cold and wet outside and we’re having a snuggle day.
    Got the oddest compliment from my bff yesterday. She said I needed to start taking in my clothes, because my weight loss is making them look baggy. So I guess I’m joining you in the sewing room, Deb.
    Little Duckie has started dancing when I go to her cage. It’s heartbreakingly adorable.
    Have a great weekend, everyone.

    • 6rabbits May 6, 2023 / 12:20 pm

      Take a video of her dancing! Want to see😃

      • DEBG May 6, 2023 / 3:29 pm

        Yes! Reminds me of the happy dance my beloved Molly Weasleycat used to do. (She was Fred and George’s mom, a stray who had two sets of kittens at my house before I managed to get her spayed.)

    • Alice Shortcake May 6, 2023 / 12:24 pm

      Excellent news anout Georgiana and Allein!

      I spent the day painting the bathroom (not an arduous task as it’s tiny), but I can’t finish the job until the new tiles are put up later this month. I also made a curtain to conceal the entrance to what used to be the cupboard under the stairs, the door to which seems to have been removed many years ago. Due to the odd shape of my house it’s in an alcove in the living room and only visible if you look for it, but for some reason the existence of this gaping maw really annoys me. The gas and electric meters will also be provided with matching curtains tomorrow.

    • Dubravkamcvmd May 6, 2023 / 3:02 pm

      Little Duckie dancing when you come to her cage is so “heartbreakingly adorable” it brought tears to MY eyes – I can imagine how it made you feel

  8. Carlotta May 6, 2023 / 1:26 pm

    I’ll try not to vent too hard. Husband finally had his hernia operation yesterday and is in more pain than before. Stubborn old dear won’t let me do things for him. I’ll be so glad when he mends. At least the cat’s being sweet and good!

    • Duckie 🐥 May 6, 2023 / 1:29 pm

      Vent away, Carlotta, dear. It’s what we’re here for.

    • DEBG May 6, 2023 / 3:28 pm

      So very sorry, Carlotta. How frustrating for you both. And good on the kitty.

      • Carlotta May 6, 2023 / 6:12 pm

        Thank you both! I love this place!

    • Kar May 6, 2023 / 11:28 pm

      I don’t blame him. that sounds painful but hopefully he will recover soon.

      Hug the kitty and plan something for yourself.

  9. Dawn May 7, 2023 / 7:22 am

    Thanks for liking my Finlay!

    He and his sister, Isla, were adopted from a local rescue group. They were born under a trailer to a feral mother but found quickly enough to become silly lovebugs. They bring a lot of chaos and love to our home!

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