Links: Fake Mews

Realistic felt cats, playful armadillo, dogs rescued from flood, wombat rescuer, and more.

And finally: Wombat Rescuer

Murray C. brings us video of a tireless hero who saves wombats from mange.

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Links: Now That’s a Rescue Dog!

Dog rescues owner, pink fairy armadillo, cat brings gifts, llama in the house, and more.

And finally: Ferocious Fritz

For Tongue-out Tuesday!

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Links: The Wook of Wuv

Pets in love, chihuahua from Hell, alpaca on wheels, uncle pittie, and armadillo can’t wake up

And finally: I Can’t Roll Out of Bed

This Monday mood brought to you by Andrew Y.

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Links: Deluxe Doghouse

Assisted living kennel, malfunctioning cats, baby lemurs, and armadillo loves toy!

And finally: To Play With the Toy You Must Be the Toy

It’s an adorable armadillo, sent in by Gigi the cat lady!

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