Links: Well, It’s Groundhog Birthday… Again

Famous groundhog has babies, road trip with a piglet, crazy bearded dragon, famous groundhog has babies, and more.

And finally: Socks Go Bye, Baby

Murray C. shares an enterprising pup who holds socks for ransom.

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Links: What a Load of Bull!

Bull rides shotgun, backyard groundhogs, kitten connects with dog, and cat paperweight.

And finally: Pet Paperweight

Andrew Y. shares that one coworker every Friday.

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Links: Weeble Kitten

Wobbly kitten, man hatches supermarket egg, special groundhog, and a gentle giant.

And finally: I Gives Pet-pets?

Andrew Y. shares this gentle giant.
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Links: The Stylish Kitten

Kitten wears sock shirts, groundhog follows woman, fox in a box, dog gets his jab, and more

And finally: Getting the Jab

Arne shares the bravest, goodest doggo that ever was.
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