… Sandra for her generous tip. Thank you, Sandra.
Someone asked me a question about the Amazon links in the sidebar. When you start your Amazon shopping trip by clicking the link, I will get a small payment for every item you put in your cart within 24 hours after clicking. You don’t have to complete your order within that time.
Yes, I used the Amazon link for the first time this weekend – once you click, it’s just like any Amazon order. Very handy!
And if you use Amazon Smile (which gives money from your purchases to charity) there’s a link for that, too.
Mike, do you get money for the things added, or do they actually have to be purchased? If so, how soon?
You must complete your order before I get credit, and you can do this at any time. As long as you add items to your cart within 24 hours of clicking my links, I will get credit for those items once you order them.
Okie dokie!
Do you get a credit even if I’m a Prime member?
I buy A LOT from Amazon and since you added the link on your site, I have purchased something once per week (on average).
I would assume so, yes.