“It has come to our attention that your hutch is in violation of the Disapproval Estates homeowner’s restrictions as follows: You planted parsnips in your front yard, instead of regulation carrots; you repainted your front door a shade of brown two degrees darker than the approved shade; and you installed an unauthorized hot tub, which is strictly prohibited because it reminds us of that scene from Fatal Attraction. You will be subject to extra disapproval until these issues are fixed. Harrumph.”
They seem to be settling in quite nicely....., by Ketzirah & Art, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Yikes! That is some home-wrecking disapproval, there. Reminds me of a couple of buns from the classic “Disapproving Rabbits” book.?
By the way, IS there a standard way to indicate a book title when you can’t underline OR italicize??
In fact you can use italics, by using the HTML codes for emphasis around the words you want to italicize, like so: <em>italics</em>
Cool! I was wondering about that.
Wow, that’s some serious grumpitude.
No animal is better at showing disapproval than a bunny!
Arrgh! The disapproval…it burns! ?
The hot tubs remind them of the scene from Fatal Attraction!! Ha ha ha ha!!!
Me too. Ha ha ha. I still have flashbacks of that stove top. And I wouldn’t fit in the pot.
The hover…!
Cool tip about italics, I’ll bookmark it – thanks!
Oh, and I thought this was the annual meeting of the John Housman Lookalikes Association…
“You come in here with a skull full of mush, you leave disapproving like a bunny.”
…and do you remember his great commercials for that financial company – “They make money the old-fashioned way – they eeeaaahhhnnn it!”
Yes, I remember that line very well. In our post-bailout era, it’s comically ironic.
I love the disapproval going on here. ? Their hoomin needs to back out slowly, drop some fresh yummy greens on the floor and apologize for whatever they did or didn’t do. This photo is on my home page.
Three. Three. Three grumps in one.
Sounds almost like the HOA for the subdivision we looked at before we built our house several years ago. You have to plant an oak tree x-number of feet from the front of your house, your mailbox has to be a certain kind, the house can only be one of these 3 colors, etc. Need I say we did NOT build there!!
You should congratulate yourselves every day on your wise decision. I have horror stories of dealing with the HOA where my mother-in-law lived before she passed away.
For those not familiar, NTMTOM’s “ridiculous” restrictions are well within the realm of possibility.
I had no idea that these bunnies were movie afficianados….. They DO seem like the Bunny version of Siskel & Ebert;
I guess if you can get these movie buffs to give you two thumbs (paws) up, you can get approval anywhere; (however the chances of that happening are just about nil, if you go by the expressions these two are sporting……..;) 😆
I’ve never been scared of a bunny before…
You will be. You… will… be.
I’d like to nominate these 3 for board positions at my HOA meeting tomorrow…