I’ll open my mouth, and you just scrape the food in. Saves you the trouble of washing a dish, and I get fed that much sooner. Win-win!
Via Imgur.
I’ll open my mouth, and you just scrape the food in. Saves you the trouble of washing a dish, and I get fed that much sooner. Win-win!
Via Imgur.
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I saw these at Ikea the other day but passed on it, thought it might clash (literally) with the recently purchased Catawompus Dish-A-Licker 5000. Those rough tongues are good for more than just exfoliating the same patch of skin on your forehead at 2:30am! and 3:44 am…. and of course 5 minutes before your alarm actually goes off.
were you looking at The Bjærk?
Feline Facials! There should be a spa staffed by cats.
That sounds potentially painful…
Reminds me of the big black Lab my uncle/aunt/cousins had when I was a kid. Thunder was a very, er, ‘enthusiastic’ dog who threw himself 100% into everything he did. My uncle LOVES to describe how they’d feed Thunder two cans of dog food, opening the cans then pouring them into the dish. And he’d always say, “If you worked fast, the second can *might* hit the bowl before he ate it.”
He’s a eco-lab pup, he wants to diminish is carbon pawprint by conserving washing-up hot water.
It’s all true, though: they are walking, barking garbage cans…..! Our black Lab has made a fine art out of begging at meals every day; although she actually gets very little in the way of table scraps (why should she, considering the nutritious expensive dog food she’s been getting since she was a baby?).
But Labs MUST beg: it’s in their genes, just like their webbed feet…. Daisy not only begs; she also whimpers, and paws me with her considerably large strong toes to make sure I’m not ignoring her…. But, she’s my heart-puppy; Gotta love her…….!
I am living with my first Lab. An 8 year old rescue. He is my fourth dog. Never ever have I met a creature, human or animal, more obsessed with food. We now keep our expensive pet-proof kitchen garbage pail outside on the front porch 24/7.
Hi Faye; this is our fourth Lab…. as I look back over the years & remember, I think how Labs have a lot of traits in common & some are different… But they all LOVED to eat… the time my husband fed the dog & I came home & fed him again (he never gave a clue)…. or when I baked Christmas cookies and some of them fell off the table into the waiting jaws of our pet at the time; or when my son toasted a bagel, turned away for a bit, and turned back to an empty plate with no crumbs (pet consumed it at one gulp in a few seconds), etc.,
I have many more stories!
Best guard dog ever. Huge bark. No bite. Came to our home and fit in like he always lived here in less than a week. Loves all of us intensely.
But no indication that my housemate was feeding him in the early morning and then I would feed him when I woke up later.
We lost meat left out to defrost on the back of the sink behind the faucet!
There are now two tall dog gates keeping him out of the kitchen.
Best big black goof.
Second breakfast! Maybe he’s part hobbit.
IT’s like the garbage disposal from The Flintstones