So When Is the Chestnuts?

“People keep singing about ‘chestnuts roasting on an open fire’ but I’m not smelling anything roasting. And another thing: it’s traditional to decorate your tree with popcorn, so get a needle and thread and start popping, or I’ll tell everyone you’re part of the War on Christmasβ„’!”

“Popcorn is in the Bible! Look it up, heathens!”

A rescued squirrel got to live in a Christmas Tree. More photos at Acid Cow.

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24 thoughts on “So When Is the Chestnuts?

  1. allein ? December 22, 2016 / 10:38 am

    Ah, yes, Redenbacher 1:1

    The popped corn is a perfect winter flower, hinting of anemones and houstonias….By my warm hearth sprang these cerealious blossoms; here was the bank where they grew.*

    *Actually Henry David Thoreau

    • fkaWaldenPond December 22, 2016 / 10:52 am

      There is so much about this that I love, thank you Allein. πŸ™‚

      • Cheryl S. December 22, 2016 / 10:56 am

        Agreed and Amen.

      • allein ? December 22, 2016 / 10:56 am

        Hey, WaldenPond likes my Thoreau quote! πŸ˜›

        • fkaWaldenPond December 22, 2016 / 11:12 am

          πŸ˜‰ Now imagine how I will feel with if you made a’ a beat of a different drum’ reference. πŸ™‚

          • allein ? December 22, 2016 / 11:16 am

            Now I feel I have disappointed you. πŸ™

            • fkaWaldenPond December 22, 2016 / 11:24 am

              NOOOooo Oh. my. goodness. Allein– you make me giggle, smile and outright laugh with your comments. You would be hard pressed to disappoint me. πŸ™‚

              • allein ? December 22, 2016 / 11:25 am

                I was just kiddin’.

                It’s nice to know my weird sense of humor is appreciated. I love this place. πŸ™‚

          • Ricky’s Mom December 22, 2016 / 12:33 pm

            Come, they told me, pa-rum-pa-pum-pum,
            Iβ€” march to the beat
            of A Different Drum …

            • fkaWaldenPond December 22, 2016 / 1:08 pm

              πŸ˜€ !

    • Murray C. December 22, 2016 / 3:10 pm

      Allein – you continue to be a marvel – as does our Mike!

  2. Gigi the cat lady December 22, 2016 / 11:05 am

    If I was guaranteed a cute squirrel maybe I would have a Christmas tree!

    We never decorated the tree with popcorn, my mother grew-up poor and even if we never wanted for anything growing up, in our house you did not waste food, not even popcorn.

    • Smartypants December 22, 2016 / 5:52 pm

      Funny, I was struck by a similar thing this morning – saw a TV segment on novelty flavored jellybeans that taste like sour milk, dog food, dirt, etc. – I thought, if another culture saw this, they’d think we were nuts! We have so much food that we make ‘garbage’ flavors…?

  3. DebG December 22, 2016 / 11:16 am

    We had to stop stringing popcorn and cranberries for the tree after we got a dog. Smokey would carefully nibble off all the popcorn, leaving lonely cranberries behind.

    • Emsthemonster December 22, 2016 / 11:57 am

      It has never occurred to me that we could use popcorn as a Christmas tree decoration. We never wanted any fragile baubles either as a Christmas tree here tends to spend some time on its back once the cats discovered it. One year, my mum had an idea of using the polystyrene bits we got together with some porcelaine present. We painted some of them to different colours, some others remained white and they looked great on the tree. After the New Year’s Eve party, one of the still drunk guests told me that I should practice baking a bit more, because the cookies and the popcorn on the tree did not taste very good. He ate up all the polystyrene, painted or not πŸ™‚

      • DebG December 22, 2016 / 12:21 pm

        They’re called “packing peanuts” for a reason, people.

      • Faye December 22, 2016 / 1:19 pm

        I wonder how that umm, worked OUT (of ) for him?

        • Emsthemonster December 22, 2016 / 2:06 pm

          haha no idea, we never saw him again πŸ™‚

          • Emsthemonster December 22, 2016 / 2:14 pm

            I mean we did not kill him, hopefully he is still alive, but I bet he had quite a bad next day: hangover + paint+polystyrene does not sound very good πŸ™‚

            • Smartypants December 22, 2016 / 3:21 pm

              Maybe it worked like activated charcoal and soaked up the booze? He was probably too embarrassed to show his face again. I’ve done some foolish things in my day, but I never ate styrofoam! πŸ˜€

  4. Duckie ? December 22, 2016 / 11:17 am

    This might be enough to put me in the Christmas spirit.

    • allein ? December 22, 2016 / 1:40 pm

  5. Doug December 22, 2016 / 1:35 pm

    Anyone else see a little Christmas Vacation here ?? hmm hmm ??

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