Tap On, Tap Off

This smartΒ dog has learned how to operate the bathroom sink to get a drink. Now, if only his meddlesome owner would just go with the flow.

Water they going to learn next, Cheryl S.?

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13 thoughts on “Tap On, Tap Off

  1. Gigi the cat lady January 13, 2017 / 12:50 pm

    I love that he figures out that if he keeps his paw on the faucet his meddlesome human can’t shut off the water! Bright doggy!

    My cat Bindi loves drinking out the the faucet but she can’t turn it on by herself (yet).

    • Doug January 13, 2017 / 1:08 pm

      I love how you ‘qualified’ that .. yet .. hehe πŸ™‚

  2. AB January 13, 2017 / 1:27 pm

    So much cuter than my dog drinking out of the toilet πŸ™ (I forget to close the bathroom door, hear the dreaded lapping sounds and know it’s too late!)

    • allein ? January 13, 2017 / 2:39 pm

      Another point in favor of having tiny dogs.

  3. Alice Shortcake January 13, 2017 / 1:28 pm

    Coming soon: “Who’s been fiddling with the damn thermostat?”

    • Smartypants January 13, 2017 / 2:05 pm

      Followed by “…and who figured out I have the pizza place on speed dial?”

      • fkaWaldenPond January 13, 2017 / 6:40 pm

        You’s guysss πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  4. allein ? January 13, 2017 / 2:40 pm

    I’d like to see if he turns it off when he’s done…

  5. Debg January 13, 2017 / 2:53 pm

    My cats sometimes turn the water on with their butts–they brush against the handles. Sadly, they don’t turn off the water when they’re done or I’d consider it a win. I get yelled at a lot for sinky-drinks.

  6. Faye January 13, 2017 / 2:57 pm

    Big. Paw. Wins.

    (Personally I would move that ceramic jar.)

  7. Juno January 13, 2017 / 4:28 pm

    Our pony learned to turn on the outside faucet. She did not turn it off. I have no doubt that she *could* have, but she’d rather create trouble. She flooded the back yard a couple times, and I got yelled at for forgetting to turn the water off. Finally someone caught her in the act. After that we kept the handle off, attached to the spigot by wire, so you had to put it back on when you needed it (AND remember to take it back off after).

    You think cats are assholes? Get a pony.

  8. Caz January 13, 2017 / 5:11 pm

    The “OMG” by the hoomin at the end adds a little something extra to this awesome video, the realization of who’s really boss πŸ˜‰

    Oh and the Tap On, Tap off reminds me of a Scottish summer, Scottish peeps might get what i mean πŸ˜‰

  9. BB/VA January 13, 2017 / 5:28 pm

    At least he isn’t drinking from the toilet and dripping THAT water onto the floor…

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