When you need to wake up your human, demand more food, or just plain annoy everyone in the house, you need the MultipliCat™ Meow Amplification system. MultipliCat uses your computer and speakers to create virtual duplicates of you that fill the entire room with your cacophonous caterwauling.
Just what every home needs, Sharon H.
Holy cats! It’s cat-ception!
Our cat requires no such amplification- in her dotage she has developed the most amazingly penetrating “mreowrrr”. We say she’s in her Lauren Bacall stage.
Yes, I recall this Bacall thing with yours Murray C.; ol’ flappy lips was at it this morning again at 5am– his amplification and intensity shamed this model of Mulitiplicat. *sigh* Mind you, I am impressed with his disciplined rhythm- he is perfect with the 2/4 beat with each alarm session. I do give him that.
I do love “ol’ flappy lips”.
Nope. The only time my cat yells is when she’s about to cough up a hairball. I guess the equivalent of a kid yelling, “mommy! I don’t feel good!” Right before barfing on your shoes. I do NOT need that in triplicate (tripli-cat?), thank you!
Does anyone else want to run a fingertip down that tongue? Just me?
You’re on your own there, Allein – that just makes me want to gag.?
I wouldn’t do it with those fangs right there, anyway.
No MultipliCat™ for me please! I have 5 cats and they all meow for one reason or another and they are all loud. So that’s 5 meow X 3 = 15 meow, that would blow out the neighbours windows!