Police are warning citizens to look out for a gang that calls itself “Flower Power.” These bunnies reportedly surround a victim and glare disapprovingly until he hands over his wallet and car keys.
From Deb M. via the Twitter page of @evo3183, where you can see more of these cuties.
So pretty. Soooo disapproving.
This gang of Flower Power buns can have whatever they want of mine. I’ll gladly prepare greens and veggies for them. They’ve already stolen my heart.
Um…here’s my keys…it’s the blue one…
*checks fridge*
I’ve got a bag of rainbow carrots…some orange peppers…a red onion…a bag of butter lettuce…um, do you like pears? Apples? Grapefruit? Here, take those, too.
*gently lifts third bun from the left out and sneaks off*
The only thing that scares me is Keyser Bunny!
Bunsmaids! I’d watch that movie!!
(Hated Bridesmaids.)
Duckie casually limps off with the grey one on the left and the pink one on the very right tucked under her feathered wings. After all, no one else has “claimed” them.
*sees Flower Gang headed her way* Damn… I just got this car. *aware that she will be powerless against such a combination of the QTE and the disapproval, prepares to hand over wallet and keys*
Did someone superglue those bunnies together?