62 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. misspiggy April 28, 2018 / 8:23 am

    That’s exactly what I’m doing! It’s too cold here to be properly cosy though – wish I had this little fellow to keep me warm…

  2. Birdcage April 28, 2018 / 8:32 am

    So a few weeks ago I bought a new BBQ that I was really excited about. It’s the kind that hooks up to the natural gas line at my house instead of running of its own propane tank. I paid the BBQ store to assemble it, delivery it and hook it up since that would be beyond my skill. But it hasn’t worked right since it was delivered. The BBQ store guys say it’s the gas company’s problem. But I had the gas company come to the house and they said the gas line is fine, that the BBQ isn’t working. So think of me today around 12 noon: the BBQ store guy is coming back for a service call and I think I’m going to have to get insistent with him because I’m feeling very caught in the middle between 2 companiesm, each pointing fingers at the other. I know it’s such a small, material, first world matter … but I”m very anxious about it and haven’t been able to sleep well due to the worry and my fear of confrontation. If the BBQ guy leaves without finding a problem, I have no idea what the next step is.

    • dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2018 / 8:41 am

      I don’t blame you for feeling anxious. It made me anxious just reading your post. Just on logic grounds, I would guess it’s the BBQ that’s defective. The gas company I assume is a utility so their profits are not at issue. Also if something is wrong with the gas line it would be dangerous.

    • tara April 28, 2018 / 9:12 am

      Oh, I hope it goes well Birdcage! I don’t like those situations either.
      If it doesn’t work after this – the next step is contact the Better Business Bureau. I agree it’s probably the BBQ company. But report them both anyway. This is always my last resort – but it usually gets results.
      Good luck! 🙂

    • AJ April 28, 2018 / 9:21 am

      Fingers crossed for a good outcome. I’m also in that group hiding in the corner that doesn’t like confrontation but if I keep in mind that I paid good money to have them do a service for me then that helps me stand up and tell them exactly what I want/need. And if the service guy does walk away without the grill working to your satisfaction, I’d be on the phone to a manager (if you haven’t already). Good luck.

    • Gigi The cat lady April 28, 2018 / 10:02 am

      I understand completely, Thursday I had to return a pair of sandals I bought on-line and I was anxious about it even though their policy said it was OK to return it to the brick and mortar store, I really hate confrontation and arguing. It went well for me so I wish you the same with the BBQ store guy.

    • Faye April 28, 2018 / 10:09 am

      Birdcage can you return the entire grill. Start with telling him you want it removed. He won’t want to do that and so therefore may fix it. Sometimes starting at the end of the conversation is a good tactic.

    • debg April 28, 2018 / 10:46 am

      Everybody else has offered great advice, so I’ll just wish you luck.

    • Maia April 28, 2018 / 3:30 pm

      I hope it gets resolved quickly for you, Birdcage!

    • Murray C April 28, 2018 / 11:46 pm

      I’d imply that I was going to seek satisfaction through my local newspaper – often there are columns about people with grievances that often get sorted out that way. I wish you luck – not a fun experience to endure.

  3. dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2018 / 8:38 am

    I wish I could get in between those two.

  4. Nancy April 28, 2018 / 8:52 am

    Ooohhhhhh…..! WANT!!! I am still kitty-less…..?

  5. Gigi The cat lady April 28, 2018 / 9:15 am

    OK this is goodby for a little while, I don’t think I will have time to post for the next 3 weeks because on Monday we leave for our big trip.

    The plan is, we arrive at Charles de Gaule Airport and pick up the car, the first stop will be Bayeux and it’s famous tapestry and for my husband the World War 2 beaches. After that we’ll be traveling on to Amsterdam with stops here and there on the way. Then it on to Germany and Switzerland, then Venise and then back to France (Marseille, Nime, Carcasonne) and then back to Paris for the last 4 days. It will be an exhausting trip but it’s not like we could afford to go back anytime soon so we want to see as much as we can.

    Be seeing you, be good while I’m gone 🙂

    • Nancy April 28, 2018 / 9:23 am

      Have a wonderful time!!!! I’m sure most if not all of us will “wish were there”! Be watching for your reports after!

    • AJ April 28, 2018 / 9:26 am

      Ooh how fun!!! Enjoy, stay safe, take lots of pics and somehow post so we can also join in the experience (at least for our non-European friends). I think you can set up an album in Flickr (or one of those on-line photo sharing sites) and then just provide a link in a post here. We’ll try to be good but no guarantees. See you when you return.

    • dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2018 / 9:51 am

      It sounds like a FABULOUS trip! Have a wonderful time. We’ll miss you.

    • Faye April 28, 2018 / 10:09 am

      Wow! Fantastic. Have fun!

    • debg April 28, 2018 / 10:43 am

      Gigi, your trip sounds completely, utterly, magically fantastical. Have a wonderful time and we’ll want stories when you get back.

    • N. Fritz April 28, 2018 / 11:27 am

      No Austria? Maybe next time! It would be great to have a Cutetropolis convention at some point in the future (hint, hint, NTMTOM!)

      • Duckie ? April 28, 2018 / 1:12 pm

        Cutetropolis goes to Disneyland!

        • jerzowa April 28, 2018 / 1:41 pm

          Or to Wombatland! 🙂

    • Laura April 28, 2018 / 1:11 pm

      Have a fabulous trip, Gigi! Enjoy every second — it sounds absolutely wonderful!

    • Maia April 28, 2018 / 3:32 pm

      Safe travels and I hope that you make wonderful memories, Gigi!

    • Murray C April 28, 2018 / 11:48 pm

      How fabulous for you, Gigi, I wish you Bon Voyage, have a wonderful time.

      My mother would say, “Be good. And if you can’t be good, be careful. And if you can’t be careful, name it after me.”

      • N. Fritz April 29, 2018 / 4:43 am

        Or, as Dr. Max (a children’s show host in Iowa during the 1960s and 70s) would say “Take it easy, play it safe and be careful!”

      • Gigi The cat lady April 29, 2018 / 6:17 am

        My dad used to say that to us all the time as teenagers, except for the part about naming it after him. The other thing he used to say was, “If you got it, flaunt it. Just don’t let them touch it” 😉

  6. AJ April 28, 2018 / 9:37 am

    Kitty is doing what I wish I could do – stay in bed and zone out. Such a sweet face and love the coloring. But chores await so I’m up and semi-awake. Not much on the schedule for this weekend, have to return a book to the library and drop stuff of at Goodwill. Also decided to do some meal planning so I’m not trying to think of what to make for dinner at 5 pm ( or staring in the freezer at 6 am deciding what to unthaw, lol). Plus now that I’m close enough to come home at lunch, I need to get that organized too. Have several new recipes I want to try so list making time to ensure I have all the ingredients.

    Have a good weekend all!

  7. Faye April 28, 2018 / 10:05 am

    Hi All. Today I am unboxing Millie’s dog stroller. I want to try putting her in it inside the house first. Then I need to store it in my car. Looking forward to very warm weather this week so she and I can finally get outdoors. I will get pics.

    I bought an Amazon Firestick for my nonsmart tv. I also plunged in to Alexa with an Alexa and a Dot thingy for the bathroom. Two goals there… music in the bedroom and emergency contact calling if I fall in bathroom. Setting this all up is slated for tomorrow. I’m moderately savvy but…

    I am also excited because my new snake plant has a total of three new shoots growing. Small thing but very pleasing.

    Be well everyone.

    • debg April 28, 2018 / 10:45 am

      Faye, the Alexa devices are super-easy and unbelievably useful. I’ve got them all over my house so that I can have music, audibooks, etc. everywhere. Now I wonder how I ever lived without them.

      • Faye April 28, 2018 / 1:06 pm

        I am very enthusiastic about Alexa. She is as close to wearing a comm badge as they did in Startrek. Or just saying “computer” out loud and getting an immediate answer.

        I’m a diehard Trekker and I am thrilled that almost all the tech they had or hinted at have come to be real. Scientists have even transported matter…

        I will update on my experience with Alexa next week!

        • Laura April 28, 2018 / 1:14 pm

          I’d been wondering if Alexa would be useful for emergency contact. Please let us know how it goes, and whether you find it works as well as you hoped.

          • Faye April 28, 2018 / 1:57 pm

            Before I even start I do know it cannot dial 911 without an Alexa Connect to a landline. But it says you can program it to call an emergency contact person(s). That’s basically what the medical emergency systems do. So with Alexa I get music etc.

            Will definitely share my results.

        • Gigi The cat lady April 28, 2018 / 2:05 pm

          I am not a die hard trekker but my husband is so I was assimilated 🙂
          Anyway, wouldn’t it be fun if you could customize Alexa to respond to computer instead.

          • debg April 28, 2018 / 2:59 pm

            Sadly, you cannot. Not yet, anyway.

            I use my Alexa devices constantly: shopping lists, turning on lights, setting separate timers for each separate thing I’m cooking, etc. If people are thinking about getting one, just do it.

          • Faye April 28, 2018 / 7:07 pm

            I heard you can set the Awake Word. But I’m fine saying Alexa. She is my first nonApple product. Amazon and Alexa are years ahead of Siri. I cannot stand talking to Siri and I read how sucky the HomePod is.

  8. murkle46 April 28, 2018 / 10:31 am

    Great creamsicle kitty photo.

  9. debg April 28, 2018 / 10:49 am

    This little kitlet looks so angelic and innocent!

    Off to my credit union to look into all kinds of things, some house-related and some not. Then back to work on my knitting magazine.

    It’s been a stressful week, with house stuff, worries about a friend with ovarian cancer, and stupid hormones. I *will* find some time to relax this weekend, probably with yarn and maybe with some weaving.

    • Faye April 28, 2018 / 1:08 pm

      Debg so sorry about your friend…

    • Laura April 28, 2018 / 1:20 pm

      Ovarian cancer is tough, but some women do beat the odds — like my aunt, who was apparently completely cured because hers went away after treatment and never came back; she passed away 15 years later from unrelated causes. So I’m sending equally good thoughts to you friend!

    • Maia April 28, 2018 / 3:38 pm

      I’m also sorry to hear about your friend. I hope that you are able to get your relax time. Support people need to put on their own oxygen masks so that they can continue to help others.

      • N. Fritz April 29, 2018 / 4:46 am

        That’s very wise, Maia! Thanks for posting that (about the oxygen mask)!

  10. Alice Shortcake April 28, 2018 / 11:41 am

    I suffered a terrible loss last Sunday when an old and loyal companion died suddenly whilst travelling on the bus from York to Leeds. RIP, beloved i-Pod.

    On a more alcoholic note, I’ve just discovered that there’s a pub in York called the House of Trembling Madness. Until I realised it was a reference to DTs I thought it might have been inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft (“Await the return of the Old Ones with a glass of Innsmouth Old Peculier! Shoggoths welcome!”)

    • Bananabreadhead April 28, 2018 / 1:11 pm

      Hi Alice — I’ve been to that pub! Thank you for reminding me of it. I went last year and enjoyed an orange squash (I don’t drink, but my companions enjoyed the beer) and some delicious food. I loved it.

      Total bummer about the iPod.

      I’m going to a fiber festival today and lunching with a friend at the farmers market. It’s going to be fun!

  11. allein ? April 28, 2018 / 11:48 am

    Have a wonderful trip, Gigi!

    I wish I felt as peaceful as this kitty looks!

    Last month (while I was on vacation) they laid off some people at work, including one guy in my department. Last week, just before leaving on a week and a half vacation (he’ll be back Monday), another coworker informed us that his last day will be May 11th (he got another job). On Wednesday, my boss informed us that he will be retiring in August. I don’t think I can take any more!

    Wednesday my mom told me this:
    “Stripes got bad news today. The growth in his mouth was cancer. ? He is still sneezing and his eye is still watery. Don’t know if they are related. We will be putting him on some special treats and see if it will help his nose and eye problems. Most likely, the cancer will come back and he will have to be put to sleep for a permanent nap. ?”

    And yesterday I got a message from the sales guy at the Hyundai dealer. My lease is up at the end of July, so I need to make a decision soon…buy the car I have (probably the easiest/least costly option), lease another car, or buy a new car. Opinions welcome.

    • Faye April 28, 2018 / 1:13 pm

      Allein I have always owned my cars. Never rented. I like to buy the car and keep it until I pay it off, then maintain it until it dies. For awhile the car is all mine, bought and paid for, and I’m driving it at no cost but maintenance and insurance.

    • dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2018 / 1:24 pm

      Your work situation is truly nerve-wracking. I’m sorry about Stripes. Very sad.

      • allein ? April 28, 2018 / 1:49 pm

        Thanks. Hopefully if the cancer comes back it’ll take a while. He’s only 12. 🙁

        • Faye April 28, 2018 / 2:00 pm

          So sorry. I get so upset when they are sick. Thank the gods animals don’t know they are passing until very close to the end.

    • debg April 28, 2018 / 1:42 pm

      So sorry about Stripes. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they can treat the cancer and that it stays gone.

      Regarding cars, I’ve never leased because I drive a lot and like having the option to refinance a loan for cash out. Some years back, during a hot and humid Kansas summer, my central air died. My credit union was able to refinance the loan so it would cover for a new air conditioner.

      At least you’ve got a great brand! I too drive a Hyundai and now would never consider another type of car–Hyundai’s vehicles, customer service, and prices are all stellar.

      • allein ? April 28, 2018 / 1:55 pm

        This is my third Hyundai. All Elantras (the second was an Elantra GT). My dad bought a Sonata a few years after I got my first one and I got a $200 referral bonus because he used my name. Then they got my mom an Elantra a few years after that.

        I would prefer to own, but my last two cars have been leases. The first one happened because I took my 10-year-old car in for service (after the engine light came on) and it turned out to have some major things wrong with it, one of which made it potentially not safe to drive, which would have cost more to fix than the car was worth. With short notice, I was more concerned with monthly payments than what would be more financially prudent long-term. Even buying a pre-owned car from them would have been more per month than a lease (and they didn’t have a lot; two of the three year-old cars they had on hand had a lot of miles on them for only a year). When that lease was up I was being indecisive and ended up leasing again.

        So, buy the car I’ve been driving for the past three years, or buy a new car? My friend’s dad works for a different car dealer, and when I mentioned the possibility of buying my last car at the end of the lease, he seemed kind of against that idea, but he didn’t say why. But he might be biased. And I have to decide soon because I think if I wait until July I’ll be over my miles (I took a lower limit because I didn’t even hit that amount on my last car, but I guess I’ve driven more in this one).

        • Faye April 28, 2018 / 2:06 pm

          I love Kia and Hyundai. I own a Kia Soul. It is my favorite car ever. And the Kia/Hyundai dealer is the best I have experienced as well.

          At my age I am going to try to make this my last car until I cannot drive anymore. Or at least my last no electric car for at least 10 years.

    • Gigi The cat lady April 28, 2018 / 2:15 pm

      I sorry about Stripes, I hope the cancer takes a long time to come back if ever.

      We used to buy cars then we started leasing but we’ve been putting money aside these last few years so when my husband retires next year we can buy our last car and pay it in full so no more car payments just insurance and maintenance.

      • allein ? April 28, 2018 / 2:20 pm

        At least now I have enough in my savings account to do a decent downpayment without borrowing from my dad…

    • Maia April 28, 2018 / 3:43 pm

      I hope the meds make Stripes comfortable and the cancer is very slow to return. That’s such a hard situation. Hugs to you and Stripes and your mom.

      • allein ? April 28, 2018 / 3:50 pm

        Maybe he just has hay fever…do cats get hay fever? Or he’s allergic to his sister. She does shed a lot. 😉

    • Rachel April 28, 2018 / 4:38 pm

      Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Stripes. Been there. My Sapphire, a few years ago, had what was almost certainly injection-site sarcoma, but surgery bought us a good additional year together before it came back to That Point. That’s a long time in kitty life. I hope Stripes can stay around for a good long time!

      And concerning cars, I have a 1997 Saturn that refuses (thankfully!) to die. The car is old enough to drink and gamble. But I haven’t had car payments in 15 years either. So, all is good there.

      • Faye April 28, 2018 / 7:12 pm

        Rachel I had a Saturn Vue 4wheel drive suv. It was solid. It died a watery death in Hurricane Sandy, headlights blazing completely under Atlantic Ocean seawater.

  12. Duckie ? April 28, 2018 / 12:10 pm

    Greetings to all.
    It is cold and wet, compared to yesterday. I’m not objecting, as it got too hot very suddenly here.
    Had a VERY weird dream last night involving David Tennant and a large marble bathroom. I don’t remember much, but I wish the stall doors had not creaked so much.
    Thank you, Mike, for posting pics of cute cats. I recently discovered that showing them to hubby makes him want one all the more. This is a valuable weapon in our ongoing discussion about getting some property.
    No news on BIL. He seems to be very secretive about it all. I’ve decided to not worry unless I need to.
    Quiet week coming up. Lots of little things to do.
    Have a wonderful Caturday, everyone, and find something in the coming week to look forward to.
    PS Mike, please have a word with your advertisers. I resent the ad here offering single ingredient ‘duck tenders’ treats for dogs. LOL

    • Faye April 28, 2018 / 1:15 pm

      Duckie maybe tender duckie is a compliment to you. ?

  13. Laura April 28, 2018 / 1:34 pm

    Hi, all. It’s been both a good and a bad week here.

    Good: we had a lovely deep soaking tub installed the other day, and soaking in it is removing layers of dead skin I didn’t even realize I had.

    Bad: the other day my Kindle just died totally, turned into a brick. Fortunately, they were having a sale on the model I like, plus the customer service person threw in a discount on top of that, so I got the replacement for about 1/3 what the original cost. It hasn’t arrived yet, though, so I’m having to listen to books on my phone. Which I admit is great, one of the 20 zillion things these little computers we call phones can do, but I still prefer *reading.* I’ll survive, but I am *such* a reading addict!

    Sounds like people are having up-and-down weeks. I hope you get the grill sorted out, Birdcage; those built-in grills are grwat. We had one when we lived in New Orleans, and loved it. Fingers crossed for you!

  14. Maia April 28, 2018 / 3:46 pm

    Aww… kitty is smiling in his/her dreams.

    I am still getting used to my job, it will take a while.

    Wishing everyone here a great weekend and a good week ahead.

  15. Murray C April 29, 2018 / 12:01 am

    Oh, my goodness, so much going on in all your lives! I hope everything works out for all – new iPod, new Kindle – animals doing OK, grille getting set up properly. I’m sure I’ve missed something – I’m so far behind in my emails and looking at my favorite blog (this one) and Facebook pages. I’ve been very busy! Don’t ask me what I’ve been doing, I couldn’t exactly say. I did spend a happy afternoon with a friend who won a class in making a “memory jug” – basically gluing crap to a jar. But it was a blast. I decide my theme had to be Christmas and I’m still working on it. Today I gardened for about 5-6 hours – with a 2 hour nap in between. Sigh, I’m not what I used to be. And all I did was weed. We had a late dinner and I’ve been going through my 1500 or so emails since then. Finally I’m on today – but I’m just under the wire – oops, as I said that the clock turned to midnight. G’night all.

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