Uh-oh, Grandpa’s Angry Again

“… and last night it was carrot night because it was Tuesday night and every Tuesday night is carrot night, but when they brought my carrots they were steamed carrots and I expressly told them I need raw carrots on account of my teeth. And whenever I go to the TV room that fox from number 37 keeps it tuned to The Predator Channel and I know he’s doing it just to spite me!”

“Not like he can catch anything any more.” (Pixabay)
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24 thoughts on “Uh-oh, Grandpa’s Angry Again

  1. murkle46 April 29, 2018 / 8:42 am

    Great mutton chops!
    “When I was a little boy,Herbert Hoover was president.And Kale was a dime a bushel.If you had a dime!”

  2. Birdcage April 29, 2018 / 8:55 am

    With two parents in a retirement living facility, this post rings a little bit too close to home! I get a lot of stories about the food in the dining room, the antics of fellow residents, etc. LOL! Update on yesterday’s BBQ service call for those of you kind enough to have listened to me worry and offered moral support. I have a working BBQ now! The guys from the BBQ store figured out the problem in about 1 minute flat. Turns out the BBQ was fine but there was a big clot of old spiderwebbing partially blocking the connection port where the BBQ was plugged into my gas line. That port had been unused for a few years since I bought the house and I guess spiders like to build webs near natural gas ports. The guys from the BBQ store who did the so-called “installation” of the BBQ last weekend should have noticed. Instead, they just dropped off the BBQ, plugged it in and when there wasn’t sufficient flow of gas, they simply announced that it was the gas company’s issue and never even checked the port. Lots of worry (and a wasted personal day away from work to meet the gas company guy) – all for such a minor issue.

    • dubravkamcvmd April 29, 2018 / 8:58 am

      All’s well that ends well!

    • AJ April 29, 2018 / 9:16 am

      Yeah!!!! Sometimes it’s the easiest fix that gets overlooked. Glad it all worked out and you now can bbq to your heart’s content.

      And this rings very true for me also. My parents were also in a retirement community and I heard all about the food, the other residents, and what the staff were or (more commonly) NOT doing right/properly. The other funny thing is when we visited, we had to go to dinner right at 4:30 because otherwise the line’s too long, you won’t get a table, etc etc. I’m just hoping I don’t turn out like that when I get to that age and I have kind words to say about everyone.

    • Gigi The cat lady April 29, 2018 / 11:28 am

      I’m happy the problem was so minor and fixed so fast.

    • Faye April 29, 2018 / 11:47 am

      Yay Birdcage! Now everyone is happy except any house hunting spiders! Too bad his installers wasted one of your days and the boss’ time.

      Here’s to great BBQ!

    • Laura April 29, 2018 / 1:17 pm

      Yay! I hope you call the manager, Birdcage, and point out how much of your valuable time was wasted because their installer was too lazy not to make sure that he could fix any easy problems that cropped up! And I also know you are going to LOVE your new BBQ. Just clean the grill once in a while — once, while my husband was cooking on our gas-line grill in New Orleans, suddenly the fire department showed up: One of the neighbors saw the smoke coming off the grill and thought there was a fire! The firemen were amused, and the neighbor was embarrassed, but hey, if it *had* been a fire, we would have been very glad indeed for his attentiveness. So just make sure you don’t send black smoke up from your grill so your neighbors don’t think you’re trying to burn down the neighborhood! 😀 😀

    • debg April 29, 2018 / 3:01 pm

      Re the BBQ: AAAAARRRRRGGG but at least it’s settled. I second Laura’s suggestion about contacting the manager. Their initial (lack of) service led to a lot of wasted time for them as well as you.

    • Smartypants April 29, 2018 / 3:39 pm

      That’s great – I’m so glad you got it handled!

      Last summer I opened the gas cap on my car and had to evict a bunch of wasps trying to build a nest – fortunately they weren’t too far along!

  3. Luv Bunny April 29, 2018 / 9:05 am

    That is a unique looking , pretty colored bun, and it does appear to be trying to say something. Or at least being interested in something by the way it’s looking up and the position of the ears. This bun can come to my place and watch more peaceful nature shows.

    • Murray C April 29, 2018 / 5:38 pm

      Isn’t he the cutest? I’d like a snuggle with him. HE’s in listening posture – lops ears are a hoot when they listen because they just move forward ever so slightly.

      Great news on the BBQ – that is such a common problem – it’s something you need to look for every year when you start up the barby – unless you’re using it all year round.

  4. allein ? April 29, 2018 / 11:08 am

    “Tuesday night is carrot night”

    Sheldon Cooper?

  5. Beth April 29, 2018 / 11:28 am

    “The carrots in this retirement home are terrible!”

    “Yes, and such small portions!”

    • Ricky's Mom April 29, 2018 / 11:34 am

      One of my favorite jokes.

      • Murray C April 29, 2018 / 5:39 pm

        Me too! It was Woody Allen’s Life Metaphor Joke.

        Any Ricky news? Just got online a few minutes ago so may have missed something. I’m off to a Square Dance in a few minutes – wish me luck!

        • Ricky's Mom April 29, 2018 / 8:02 pm

          Ricky seems to have entered full-blown dementia today. He got lost between a chair and a table, then, after sleeping most of the day, has lately been spending quite a lot of time staring into space, or at a wall, then feebly moving somewhere else and staring into space over there. He only ate a mouthful of food this morning and wouldn’t eat anything this evening. I think he is probably preparing to depart this earth, but one never knows. If he is not long for this world, my hope is that he will go in his sleep without a prolonged state of existence/non-existence. I can’t bear the thought of life without him, but while I have him, I don’t want him to be in pain, either physical or mental.

          I have friends coming over in a little while, to make sure I’m okay. I will keep everyone here posted when I have something to post, and I know already that all of you feel for me, as I hope you know I feel for everyone here who has ever had to bid a treasured companion goodbye.

          • allein ? April 29, 2018 / 8:23 pm

            🙁 Big hugs for you and gentle scritches for Ricky. I hope things go peacefully for him. I’m glad you have friends to be with you.

          • Luv Bunny April 29, 2018 / 8:51 pm

            Keeping you and Ricky in my thoughts and prayers. We all know how it’s hard to watch our beloved pets age and become close to the end of their lives. I hope for your sake, when it does happen that it will be peaceful.

          • dubravkamcvmd April 30, 2018 / 7:48 am

            I’m so sorry. Your description of Ricky’s condition brought tears to my eyes.

            • Ricky's Mom April 30, 2018 / 8:04 am

              Thanks, folks. Off to the vet in a few minutes, to see if they can get his meds into him and perhaps persuade him to eat. In any case, I want them to keep an eye on him today—I’m starting one new job today and another tomorrow, and as I am under contract, among other reasons, not going to work is not a viable option.

              Hoping I can catch a nap on a rehearsal break later. I’ve underslept, to coin a word.

              • Dubravkamcvmd April 30, 2018 / 8:15 am

                Good luck. It sounds like a tough day.

                • Ricky's Mom April 30, 2018 / 10:01 am

                  Thanks. Ricky’s with the vet now, and I should know more this evening.

  6. debg April 29, 2018 / 3:02 pm

    Sweet cinnamon bun, with extra floof for kissing!

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