The Thumping Horror

Insane with terror, Professor MacGregor stumbled wildly through the dense forest. The flickering light from his lanthorne set shadows dancing among the trees, like frenzied acolytes at an unholy feast. There was no star nor moon to guide his way, only the hideous, sickening thump! thump! that beckoned him ever onward, an ominous thump! thump! like the pounding of his heart as he plunged deeper into the thicket of trees until at last he came face to face with Arghthrok ka’Boing, the demon rabbit of Flemwich Glen.

“You have brought the Cursed Parsnip, have you not?’ (Pixabay)
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12 thoughts on “The Thumping Horror

  1. Faye May 6, 2018 / 8:38 am

    Yikes! That is all.

  2. N. Fritz May 6, 2018 / 8:57 am

    That rabbit’s dynamite! And it’s got me shaking in my boots!

    • Faye May 6, 2018 / 10:48 am

      Look away! Look awa… oh oh?

  3. Luv Bunny May 6, 2018 / 9:37 am

    Egads – looks like there’s fire in them eyes! This bun does appear to need some sort of appeasement, I’ll get the turnip, carrots, greens…..asap! Then maybe we can cuddle.

  4. Murray C May 6, 2018 / 11:10 am

    The cursed parsnip. Zcheesh. Yes, I’m all aquiver – thumpage in the night is enough to get your pule rate climbing.

  5. AB May 6, 2018 / 12:00 pm

    Rabbits are destructive little beasts! My husband and I had a bunny-sized hole in our wooden fence, which we had repaired. Within days, there was yet another bunny sized hole in the exact same spot (which we never bothered to fix). Yesterday, I caught two bunnies using it to come and go as they pleased from my back yard, validating my suspicions that said hole is not only bunniform but also bunnigenic.

    • JenDeyan May 6, 2018 / 9:05 pm

      I hope you don’t have a garden.

      And yes, I’m with Allein. Bunniform and bunnigenic are my new favorite words!

  6. allein ? May 6, 2018 / 12:17 pm

    Lost Edgar Allan Poe story?

    bunniform but also bunnigenic

    Very nice. 🙂

  7. sugitomo May 6, 2018 / 2:59 pm

    How does this bunny somehow look like a wolf-bunny hybrid?

  8. Mr. R. Woof May 6, 2018 / 3:11 pm

    “The primroses were over.”
    Richard Adams (1920-2016)

  9. Kar May 6, 2018 / 9:03 pm

    That is genuinely scary/freaky

  10. Amy May 8, 2018 / 12:26 pm

    It’s Bunnicula!

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