Making Sliced Biscuits!

It turns out that wombats, just like cats, love to “make biscuits” when they nurse. However, as Little Ms. Claws at Sleepy Burrows Wombat Sanctuary demonstrates, wombat biscuits come pre-sliced.

That’s one sharp kid, Murray C.

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16 thoughts on “Making Sliced Biscuits!

  1. allein ? July 25, 2018 / 12:48 pm

    Why does such a tiny baby need such long claws?!?!

    • Luv Bunny July 25, 2018 / 1:06 pm

      Allein, I wonder too & hope they’re curled up when mom gives birth – ouch. So leetle & cute. Guess I’ve missed the meaning of “ making sliced buscuits.”

      • 6rabbits July 25, 2018 / 5:39 pm

        They are born so small i dont think claws matter! So tiny and sweet! (And i dont get “sliced biscuits” either, unless its a reference to bottle fed vs. breast??)

        • belphebe July 25, 2018 / 6:12 pm

          I’m thinking “sliced biscuits” because they are “making biscuits” but they have CLAWS!!!!! Kittens either retract their claws or they are so small they won’t slice anything when they are “making biscuits”/kneading their mama.

      • Smartypants July 25, 2018 / 6:30 pm

        Yes, I expect claws are made of keratin – soft like a porcupine’s quills when they’re born, then they harden up.

  2. Faye July 25, 2018 / 1:59 pm

    O my gosh I gasped out loud seeing this tiny nakey baby. Biscuits and sucking sounds! I think I lactated!

    They come out of mom and get in the pouch before they have real claws.

    • Debg July 25, 2018 / 3:06 pm

      Faye, I did the same thing. So teensy, and the plinking eye capsules————ded.

      • Faye July 25, 2018 / 7:45 pm


  3. Diane in Los Angeles July 25, 2018 / 3:01 pm

    Might need some claws to hold on inside of that pouch….(ouch ouch ouchy for mom, though)

  4. Debg July 25, 2018 / 3:07 pm

    Wombaterine? Wolverwombat?

    • Faye July 25, 2018 / 7:46 pm


  5. Ricky's Mom July 25, 2018 / 3:46 pm

    So sweet. And quite a set of whiskers for such a young lady!

    • Murray C July 25, 2018 / 5:34 pm

      Aren’t they great? I love the tiny cluster of hair that form the eyebrow.

      And I think that, similar to other pouched mammalians, when they’re born they’re the size of a jellybean, so claws become less of an issue.

    • allein ? July 25, 2018 / 7:25 pm

      Looks like a little old man…bald head and unruly eyebrows.

  6. birdlady26 July 25, 2018 / 4:36 pm

    Look at all those bubbles flowing back into the bottle. Makes me wonder if baby wombat needs to be burped after a bottle feeding.

  7. fkaWaldenPond July 25, 2018 / 8:06 pm

    Geez, that’s a Freddy Kruger biscuit kind of the day.

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