Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to Caturday, Cutetropolitans! Time to get all squeaky clean for the weekend, but be sure to check your shower for guests, such as Penny from reader Muppet2171: “I think she thinks if she doesn’t look at me, I can’t see her. It should be noted that I barely had to move the shower curtain at all to find her.”

Who is this Penny of whom you speak?
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34 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ November 17, 2018 / 9:12 am

    Such a pretty girl and of course, if she can’t see you, you can’t see her. Love how cat’s minds work, lol.

    I used to have a male cat that liked to sit on the edge of the tub between the two curtains when I took a shower. I nicknamed him my peeping tomcat. And right now I have my sweet foster girl Paisley, napping on my lap. Anytime I sit down, she runs over and wants in my lap. She supposedly came in as a stray but the way she acts, I think she may have gotten out or (hopefully not) dumped.

    Once I can get her dislodged, just running around today doing errands and getting stuff over to the storage unit. Tomorrow will be more of the same, just trying to get ready for Thanksgiving. It looks like we may be going out of town, possibly to Palm Springs area, for a few days R&R.

    Happy weekend everyone!

  2. Nancy November 17, 2018 / 10:06 am

    Wish all a lovely Thanksgiving this upcoming week! My sister has several issues (Downs morphing into Alzheimer’s, physical issues) but today we are celebrating her birthday so it will be a very chocolate and purple filled day with some pizza for dinner thrown into the mix. Birthday girl gets all her favorites, right??! So it will be a fun day. I know many of you are busy with early Thanksgiving prep or some even celebrating early this weekend, so whatever you are (or aren’t!) doing today, wishing blessings to all and to your furry ones too!

    • dubravkamcvmd November 17, 2018 / 1:33 pm

      I hope your sister really enjoys what sounds like a wonderful birthday party!

      • Nancy November 17, 2018 / 2:03 pm

        Thank you!

  3. debg November 17, 2018 / 10:29 am

    Penny is gorgeous, as always. So is Paisley–hopefully she’ll get her furever home soon. My Ursula (16.5 years old) cat has taken to getting into the shower *with* me, perhaps to drink the soapy water. She’s gotten cranky and bizarre in her old age.

    Pupdate from work: my colleague’s 3-month-old cream retriever paid us a visit on Thursday just before I left. I got lots of kisses from little Daisy, who was so cute my brain splorted. I was almost afraid to drive without a brain!

    Smallish bathroom stuff this weekend. I don’t want to start tearing up the shower until after Thanksgiving weekend, when I’ll be making candy. It’s been lovely to have a vanity and sink again! Everything is starting to look beautiful.

    Happy weekend to all, whatever you’re doing. And safe travels if you’re going somewhere for T-day.

  4. Duckie ? November 17, 2018 / 11:29 am

    Muppet, I am so jealous of you. There is no kitty in my shower. Or anywhere else here.
    I am having an enforced quiet weekend. As of six pm yesterday, I put my jammies on and started to relax. The only thing I MIGHT do today is get a haircut, or buy two gift cards. Tomorrow we are taking our Godson out for lunch.
    I finish all the sewing next week, and then I can do some Christmas/winter cleaning, and then hibernate for December.
    Tuesday is my full body CT scan. Then the specialists will know how much my lungs are compromised, and whether I need more surgery on the eye.
    I have embarked on an adventure that is healthy but h—ish. I’m cutting back on my salt intake by seventy five percent or more. No substitutes or anything. Food is rather bland right now, but I’m hoping that will change in a few days. I’m also hoping hubby will feel guilty and will follow suit.
    We have four days of gorgeous cold windy sunny weather here, and if I’m not out walking in it, I’m going to sit on the deck with a blanket, a good book and a huge mug of tea, and revel.
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    • N. Fritz November 17, 2018 / 12:03 pm

      Hey, Duckie, that’s called self-care! I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and sending positive vibrations for your CT scan. I understand what you’re going through with the dietary restrictions… it’s not easy, but it will be good for you in the long run. Good luck!!

    • Elaine C Williamson November 17, 2018 / 12:07 pm

      My father was on a low salt diet, he used Mrs. Dash to add flavor to his food. Just pepper and herbs.

    • AJ November 17, 2018 / 7:00 pm

      Good luck Duckie with all your medical appts this week. Fingers crossed you get good news. And good for you with trying to cut down on salt, I know it will be a challenge for a few weeks while your palate gets adjusted but then you’ll notice how good food tastes on its own. And I second the recommendation for Mrs. Dash, they have a few different variations so it’s easy to jazz up your food with no sodium.

    • Faye November 17, 2018 / 8:56 pm

      Duckie I will think of you on Tuesday.

      Re. Salt. Your pallet will change. I use very little salt. I use tons of garlic, pepper, sage, lemon vest etc.

  5. allein ? November 17, 2018 / 11:38 am

    Hi all! Not much going on this weekend. Today’s my dad’s birthday but he’s been sick for the past week+ so we’re not doing anything. He got medicines from the doc the other day so he’s feeling somewhat better but not sleeping much, so he’s not up for celebrating. 🙁

    Penny is so pretty. Paisley looks like she’s quite comfy. She can come sit in my lap while you do errands, AJ. 😉

  6. N. Fritz November 17, 2018 / 12:06 pm

    I am having one of those weekends where I can’t seem to get motivated to do anything except the most basic tasks: laundry, shopping, cooking for the week. Grading papers or planning the rest of the semester just doesn’t appeal, but I really must bite the bullet and do something for the good of the order. Now if I could just drag myself away from the Qte!

  7. Murray C November 17, 2018 / 1:35 pm

    Duckie, I hope your scan goes well!

    Pretty pusses all round – it is funny about cats and water. They hate it but then seem to want to challenge it. When my cat was younger she’d walk around the perimeter of the tub and I was rather nervous that she might fall in and I’d get scratched to bits. Now she couldn’t care less and all she does is caterwaul loud enough to scare the britches off of you. She’ll jump off of her sleeping perch next to our bed about 4 times a night for various reasons, and as she returns you can hear her down the hall mrewringgg loudly and insistently and it gets louder and louder as she gets closer. I’ve learned that the only way to stop her is to ignore her – then she does a few “questions” brrrrip? and goes to sleep.

    • allein ? November 17, 2018 / 1:41 pm

      We used to turn on the tub for Stripes and he’d try to catch the water before it went down the drain, and didn’t care that he was getting wet. But if we closed the drain he’d start backing away as soon as he realized his feet were starting to be submerged.

  8. Alice Shortcake November 17, 2018 / 2:04 pm

    I saw an unusual, if not unique, thing on my way into the city centre this morning – two squirrels fighting over a discarded sandwich inside a Roman stone coffin, one of several in York’s Museum Gardens.

    • N. Fritz November 17, 2018 / 2:14 pm

      That sounds amazing, Alice! Apart from your collections of Victorian stage gossip, do you do any of your own creative writing? Seems like there is a story there (squirrels, sandwich, sarcophagus), waiting to be told!

  9. debg November 17, 2018 / 2:27 pm

    Hey, fellow catpeople–do any of you have laminate floors? Have you had trouble with cat claws scratching the floors? I’ve been looking at vinyl planks, but Home Depot has an amazing sale going on with laminate right now, so that it’s less than half the price of vinyl. Please advise!

    • allein ? November 17, 2018 / 2:46 pm

      My parents have laminate in the hallway and office; I’ve never noticed cat scratches. (Though to be fair I never looked that closely.)

    • N. Fritz November 17, 2018 / 5:22 pm

      I’ve got laminate floors, but the neighbor’s cat isn’t here enough that I can speak with authority. But the previous neighbors had laminate and a German shepherd, and I don’t think the floor had to be replaced when they moved out (if that helps)…

    • Emsthemonster November 17, 2018 / 6:11 pm

      I had laminate floor in my previous home and no scratches could be seen on it. The cats (and me) slipped and fell on it a few times though.

      I even made the mistake of laughing at my kitty as he was trying to regain his feline dignity after a fall, no more purrs and cuddles for me that day.

    • fkaWaldenPond November 17, 2018 / 6:55 pm

      Hi Deb,
      I had laminate in my previous condo and it was great– two cats, no scratches, heck you could drop a hammer on it and it would be fine.
      The biggest complaint is if there is say water damage etc, you have to replace the entire room instead of just the area where the damage occurred.
      Also, cold on the feet and noise, when walking etc. It is not a ‘warm’ type of flooring.
      Hope this helps!

    • Debg November 17, 2018 / 8:17 pm

      Thanks, everybody. Think I’m going to go for it.

  10. Emsthemonster November 17, 2018 / 6:24 pm

    I have just come home from an awesome metal concert, still high on adrenaline, not sure when I can go to sleep ( it is a lil’ after midnight here).

    I had a Cutetropolitan dream the other day, AJ wrote a bestseller, which made her world-famous at once. People were queuing in front of the bookstore to get her book and I was reading it all day instead of going to work 🙂 Just don’t ask what it was about 🙂

    • Tara November 17, 2018 / 9:36 pm

      Oh That is a great dream! Imagine if Allein and NTMTOM teamed up to create a book. I say “create” because while they are both fabulous writers, there is also so much more visual to their wit.
      So – AhAhAhHem – if this is a passive-aggressive suggestion – I totally second!
      (and because I’ve finally had my wind-down gin+tonic, I am super excited about this idea ;))

  11. Carlotta November 17, 2018 / 8:26 pm

    My kitties don’t get in the tub anymore. One polydactlyl tuxie with serious “Batman head” used to sit up in the tub until I went in and had to say… “Quick Robin, into the Bat-tub!”

    • allein ? November 17, 2018 / 8:49 pm

      • debg November 17, 2018 / 9:01 pm

        Allein, you are queen of the perfect meme.

        • allein ? November 17, 2018 / 9:08 pm


      • dubravkamcvmd November 18, 2018 / 2:43 am

        That’s wonderful, Allein!

  12. Smartypants November 17, 2018 / 9:14 pm

    Gorgeous cat! Himalayan? I had one who was so loving and affectionate.

    • Muppet2171 November 18, 2018 / 5:23 am

      Birman…and she’s affectionate on her schedule. Well, like mosf cats…

  13. Tara November 17, 2018 / 9:54 pm

    Good Evening everyone – I hope you’ve had a lovely Saturday. I was at a work event all day which we’ve been planning for months. I’ve been planning the event with someone – lovely person – like them very much – but there is not an urgent bone in their body. I, on the other hand, appreciate timeliness. So there have been some frustrations leading up to the event. Then I showed up two blocks from work this morning – and there was a half marathon running up the street past the entrance to our door… where vendors were supposed to be arriving in 1/2 and hour. !? How did we miss this?!
    With a deep breath, it all turned out fine. We just went with the flow, everything started later than we thought and there wasn’t a thing we could do about it. But then everything got on track and everyone seemed to have a good time. Now I am pooped! Thank goodness I took the whole week off! I need it.

    My sister has a great big Russian Blue named Vinnie who “takes a shower first.” She has to turn the shower on to a dribble, he gets in drinks and lets it splash on his face, then she can turn up the shower for herself.

    • Faye November 18, 2018 / 8:13 am

      Vinnie (love his name) rocks! Fully trained human expert level.

  14. allein ? November 18, 2018 / 1:48 pm


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