How to Be a Bed Hog

When you’re a kitten just getting settled into a new home, it’s important to establish dominance among any other animals that might already be there. Don’t let size intimidate you; with strategic hissing and whapping, even the largest Great Dane can be persuaded to give up his bed and sleep in the garage.

Sometimes I let him put his head in that cat bed, if I’m feeling generous.

More proof that cats rule and dogs drool, via Sharon H.

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4 thoughts on “How to Be a Bed Hog

  1. allein ? December 6, 2018 / 9:49 am

    My brother once rescued a tiny kitten (nor more than a couple months, probably less) and we had it for a week or so until someone at his job adopted him. We had a miniature Schnauzer and she had a (proportionately-sized) pillow bed. We put the kitten in the middle of it and he looked so tiny. The dog was terrified.

    (Okay, maybe not terrified, but she wouldn’t get too close.)

    [It was a black kitten near the road in post-4th of July fireworks traffic; I have no idea how he and his friends even saw the thing.]

  2. Kar December 6, 2018 / 10:35 am

    To be fair, that bed looks GREAT with his coat. Cats have an uncanny ability to know what background sets off their good looks.

  3. Elizabeth December 6, 2018 / 11:05 am

    Now I feel sorry for the doggy. Giant beds for all fur people.

  4. Blue Footed Booby December 6, 2018 / 12:07 pm

    I went to a bachelor party at a house that had one of those. They’re basically big bags full of memory foam chunks. They’re amazingly comfortable and just about the perfect drunky crash pad. You can stagger up and keel over any way you like without banging into anything, and you’ll still be comfortable in the morning. Or rather, discomfort will be purely chemical in origin.

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