11 thoughts on “Bun-like Typing Detected

  1. Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 19, 2019 / 8:04 am

    And a delightful qwertyuiop to you all!

  2. Luv Bunny May 19, 2019 / 8:34 am

    That’s what my typing looks like sometimes, as if I’m all furry feet. That leetle bun bun can hop on any of my keyboards, my lap, couch…. anytime. So do laptops now come with bun buns instead of a mouse?

    • 6rabbits May 19, 2019 / 8:56 am

      Oooo, I would get a new lap top if so! And ditto to everything you said!πŸ‡πŸ˜

  3. AJ May 19, 2019 / 10:01 am

    It so tiny!!! And so sweet and adorable and … and … (I think there aren’t enough adjectives to describe this level of cuteness.)

  4. Lucy's Mom May 19, 2019 / 10:03 am

    Mike, you’ve never been more coherent. πŸ˜‹

    Oh, and apropos of nothing… I saw my very first Bedlington terrier in the park this morning. Never seen one other than at Westminster or Crufts. Gorgeous 4-month old pupper! ❀

  5. birdlary26 May 19, 2019 / 11:34 am

    Ooohhhh! Bun-bun looks awfully close to pressing Alt +Ctrl + Up keys. Then we’d have an upside down bun-bun

  6. debg May 19, 2019 / 12:25 pm

    Bunbun types like a kitty! It looks like a wild species, not a domesticated bunny.

    My boss went running out the back door earlier this week. I sit in the back, in the “annex,” with one other person. We both started wondering what was up–fire, murder, flood. We’d never seen her run before. Turned out she saw a rabbit in her garden and went to chase it away.

    Speaking of gardens, my last Garden in a Box has been planted (by my wonderful lawn guy) and it’s going to be amazing. Even in this first year, some of last fall’s plantings are getting bushy. I’m so pleased.

    • Alice Shortcake May 20, 2019 / 7:38 am

      I had to Google Garden in a Box – what a great idea! My garden consists of three window boxes and a tiny patch of soil in the corner of the back yard, but I managed to get a lovely display last year with old favourites like snapdragons, stocks and lobelia. This year I planted what promises to be a beautiful orange/yellow scented climbing rose. The ivy is also doing an excellent job climbing along the trellis I had constructed on top of the existing wall between my house and next door, giving us both a bit of privacy.

  7. allein 🐾 May 19, 2019 / 1:13 pm

    Is this what the bun typed or is this just Mike being reduced to incoherence by the cute?

    • Smartypants May 19, 2019 / 3:17 pm


  8. Kar May 19, 2019 / 5:20 pm

    I understand now why the Japanese spent so much time and money on rabbit netsuke. None are as cute as the real thing though.

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