Watch Cole and Marmalade explore a box maze!
YouTube celebricats Cole and Marmalade have the coolest life, because their human goes to extreme lengths (and widths) to fill their lives with fun and adventure. For example, why just give a cat one box when you can fill an entire room with them, with doorways and twists that would turn any cat into an intrepid explorer.
Submitterated by Gigi the cat lady and Paul P. (a while ago, just catching up)
Need to pit Maru and Hana against them and see who wins.
I was watching and thinking I’d seen this somewhere. Well yeah I sent it in LOL!!
I saw the other day’s bear stealing the box of dog food from the porch a few days earlier and when I saw it here I looked in my sent mail because I didn’t remember if I sent it in or not. (Apparently, I did not.)
Wow, that’s dedication to your pets. And all those fluffy up-ended rears and tails! So cute. I’ll have to remember this for the next time I have foster kitties. My dining room is HUGGGE (16?? 18?? x 12) so I can propably set up something like 100 boxes. Add toys and treats and the kitties would have a blast.
Obviously, I don’t love my kitties. I’d never do anything that elaborate. I’m a very bad catslave.
I know Catslave… I really feel quite deficient. Neglectful even.