Could Be Meat, Could Be Cake

Does your dog crave the taste of cake, but can’t tolerate the sugar, dairy and other ingredients? Now Rover can indulge in his favorite “people food” anytime, with the new Impossibly Beyond™ Cake. Crafted from the choicest beef, pork and chicken, along with mysterious ingredients not of this earth, Impossibly Beyond Cake looks, smells, and amazingly, tastes just like the real thing.

dog stares at meat cake
It looks like… MEAT CAKE!!! (Imgur)

These are wondrous times, Sharon H.

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24 thoughts on “Could Be Meat, Could Be Cake

  1. allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 8:16 am

    Doggo looks excited but I would just like to state right now that my birthday is soon and I do not want this cake please.

    • Duckie 🐥 September 12, 2019 / 11:30 am

      Allein, look! A shiny!
      Psst, everyone else. Allein’s bday is October 1. Don’t tell her I told you.

      • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 11:35 am

        • Dulcie September 12, 2019 / 9:53 pm

          Oh Allein…what an awesome pawsome kitty!!

          • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 9:56 pm

            That face!

  2. AJ September 12, 2019 / 9:07 am

    Well Allein, this could be the main course and then, you have a real birthday cake with lots and lots and lots of frosting. Can you tell I like frosting best????

    Loving look on doggo’s face, it’s like “This is all for ME?????!!!!!!!” And I bet this was gone in the next 5 seconds or less.

    • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 9:10 am

      I’m partial to yellow cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles.

      I wonder what kind of frosting you use on a meat cake…kinda looks like mashed potatoes but I’m not sure what the yellow part would be.

        • JenDeyan September 12, 2019 / 10:17 am

          I think the name is why some people refuse to try meatloaf. I just sounds like some dumped a bunch of meat into a loaf of bread. Not an appealing thought.

        • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 10:18 am

          That looks good. I think my dad’s meatloaf might be too wet for something like that (his tends to fall apart) but my mom uses more bread crumbs than he does so it tends to have a little more structural integrity (I like hers better). But they don’t do gravy with it and meatloaf is one of the few things I don’t like to mix with my potatoes. I dip it in ketchup (just a tiny bit; one of my few uses for ketchup in this world).

        • Kar September 12, 2019 / 1:58 pm

          Yeah, I don’t see doggo being that excited over a body builder.

          My guess is mashed potatoes and cheese if he’s lucky.

          So basically cottage/shepherd’s pie. And now I’m going to be craving shepherd’s pie. It’s September, time for comfort food.

  3. Dana September 12, 2019 / 9:23 am

    Anyone else think of that episode of Friends when Joey eats Rachel’s dessert and says “What’s not to like? Custard good, jam good, meat GOOD!” 😂

  4. Emsthemonster September 12, 2019 / 9:25 am

    Is it DebG’s birthday today or is that the 14th? Or does my memory fail?
    Anyway, happy birthday to Debg! (or if Iam totally mistaken, then happy Thursday to Debg! 🙂 )

    • Duckie 🐥 September 12, 2019 / 11:39 am

      Please let me know when you find out. I’m trying to create a bday list.

    • debg September 12, 2019 / 5:29 pm

      It’s Saturday, actually. I’m so touched that you remember!

  5. N. Fritz September 12, 2019 / 9:26 am

    George Carlin FTW! Gosh, I miss his comedy stylings.

  6. Lucy's Mom September 12, 2019 / 10:00 am

    This is just one reason to love dogs – they are completely transparent with their emotions. I love that expression on his face – like he can hardly believe his eyes!

    I used to work with a woman who loved stuffing and would often have it for dinner (just the stuffing – no turkey, no chicken, etc.). 😏 So as a joke I made her a stuffing cake in a bundt pan – a thick layer of stuffing, sliced turkey, sliced ham, mashed potatoes on top. I think I might have had some gravy on the side. She loved the freaking thing!! I think this doggo might love it too. 😋

    • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 10:09 am

      There was a bag of stuffing (like, a commercial brand, not homemade; unopened) in the fridge at work for like a week and a half. I have no idea why. Does someone just eat stuffing for lunch?

      • Lucy's Mom September 12, 2019 / 10:21 am

        My former workmate would definitely have it for lunch. Her preference, though, was Stovetop Stuffing which I’d never tried until I made the stuffing cake. Let’s just say it’s not horrible but it’s nowhere near the real thing.

        • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 10:31 am

          I’m not a stuffing person to begin with. (Probably because my mom’s involves sausage, which I don’t like, and therefore I tend to find stuffing in general less than appetizing-looking.)

  7. Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 12, 2019 / 4:43 pm

    I forgot to say how much I love this happeh doggeh! Oh, the joy, the bliss, the rapture in those eyes!

    My vote is Aye (or Yea) for meatloaf. Mind you, my mom’s meatloaf was always excellent, and I’ve made a few good versions in my time. No gravy on mine, please—but then, I didn’t grow up with gravy on mashed potatoes, either. Homemade meatloaf is wonderful. I’ve never cared for what passes for meatloaf at even nice restaurants, let alone school cafeterias …

    Lucy’s Mom, your former workmate has my sympathy. If I could overcome the self-judgement, I’d probably be more than happy to eat nothing but stuffing for a meal. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water! 🙂

    • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 5:00 pm

      The cafeteria at work does meatloaf, always paired with mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy, and usually green beans. I don’t trust it. They have chicken at the grill so I’ll get that (roasted if they have it, but boneless grilled chicken is always an option) with potatoes and gravy (and veggies if they look good; sometimes the beans look iffy).

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 12, 2019 / 5:45 pm

        I’d do the same, in your situation—minus the gravy. Just wanted to put in a vote for *properly made* meatloaf.

  8. smartypants September 13, 2019 / 10:21 pm

    Leftover meatloaf with ketchup – yum!

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