Catpocalypse Now

Attention all concerned citizens! Could the apocalypse be almost upon us? Although we here at have been wrong about the end of the world before, this time we’ve got verified photographic evidence of a diabolical genetic engineering plot by the shadow Illuminati world government to produce cats with hands! With this ability, cats will soon infiltrate computer systems and make us their slaves! Wake up before it’s too late!

cat with toy hands
Hah! You already were our slaves!

You gotta hand it to ’em, Sharon H.

You already voted!

10 thoughts on “Catpocalypse Now

  1. dubravkamcvmd January 6, 2020 / 1:05 pm

    I don’t see this as a problem. They couldn’t be worse at running the planet. And they’re a lot better looking than we are.

    • allein ๐Ÿพ January 6, 2020 / 1:20 pm

      It’s worth a shot.

      • JenDeyan January 6, 2020 / 1:50 pm

        It’s got my vote.

        • Dulcie January 6, 2020 / 5:32 pm

          The problem I am seeing is the multiple litter boxes…๐Ÿค”

    • tagathax January 6, 2020 / 3:04 pm

      More naps, probably mandatory petting of every cat nearby… I don’t see a downside.

  2. Blue Footed Booby January 6, 2020 / 1:35 pm

    There’s a Japanese comic about a US special forces team in Vietnam titled “Apocalypse Meow.” US forces are rabbits, Australians are kangaroos, and the Vietnamese are cats. The Vietnamese language is depicted like “meow meow, meow meow.” Because of course it is. Not a great comic but it’s pretty well researched.

    Unrelated: anyone who likes horror should get on youtube and look up the short film “The Cat With Hands.”

  3. birdlady26 January 6, 2020 / 3:19 pm

    Yes, yes we were.

  4. Kar January 6, 2020 / 6:41 pm

    Dear heavens, they have opposable thumbs. Kiss your butts goodbye

  5. Alice Shortcake January 7, 2020 / 6:53 am

    Creepy, but not half as creepy as the new film version of ‘Cats’.

  6. Faye January 7, 2020 / 8:32 am

    Maybe they will scratch us in spots we canโ€™t reach! My lower right shoulder blade always itches.

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