Links: Oh Sure, They Get Haircuts

Alpaca haircuts, sloth bears, renaissance pets, and silent meows, in today’s links.

And finally: Hot Dog!

via Andrew Y.

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14 thoughts on “Links: Oh Sure, They Get Haircuts

  1. debg April 28, 2020 / 9:53 am

    Hot Dog alone made my morning! I can’t wait to dive into other linkies!

    • Faye April 28, 2020 / 10:04 am


  2. debg April 28, 2020 / 10:29 am

    And the linkies are FAAABBBBBUUUULLLLOUSSSSS! Now I have to get a “royal” portrait of each cat. Though I’m pretty sure the pug is wearing Hogwarts robes!

    Alpacas always rock their haircuts.

      • allein 🐾 April 28, 2020 / 11:19 am

        (I think I would have gone with “Hufflefluff,” though.)

  3. allein 🐾 April 28, 2020 / 10:57 am

    Sloth bears look like they’re wearing statement necklaces.

    • fkaWaldenPond April 28, 2020 / 11:07 am

      Man Allein! You make me giggle. Thanks much.

    • debg April 28, 2020 / 12:25 pm

      And statement smirks plus emo haircuts! I loff them.

  4. JenDeyan April 28, 2020 / 10:58 am

    Is it just me or did that Corgi kinda look like a Shiba Inu when it’s head was between the headrests? I wonder if those breeds might be related somewhere back in the doggie gene pool.

  5. Duckie 🐥 April 28, 2020 / 11:48 am

    The little smirk on that Guinea pig’s face says it all.

  6. Faye April 28, 2020 / 1:47 pm

    Now I wan hotdogs. Sigh.

  7. Blue Footed Booby April 28, 2020 / 2:01 pm

    I desperately needed a haircut before the plague hit. I’m sitting here working remotely wearing a scrunchie my girlfriend accidentally left at my house. My beard has merged with my chest hair, I haven’t put on pants in a week, and I just found out I’m gonna have to do job interviews in the near future. I could use a sausage. And a beer.

    • AJ April 28, 2020 / 2:20 pm

      Thanks BFB for the laugh (and the mental imagery). Good luck with spiffing up for the job interviews and hope the interviews go well. I’ve already taken the scissors to my hair this morning just to get some of the sticking out pointy pieces out of the way. My stylist is going to yell at me for trying to do my own hair the next time I see her.

  8. dubravkamcvmd April 28, 2020 / 8:25 pm

    Schmutzie’s foster Mom must be originally from NYC. A perfect name for a house panther.

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