Wombat Triple Treat

For Wombat Wednesday, enjoy not just one, but three wiggly wombat joeys playing and socializing at Major’s Creek Wombat Refuge. This video is a couple of years old, so let’s hope the youngsters grew up strong for their release back into the wild.

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6 thoughts on “Wombat Triple Treat

  1. allein 🐾 April 28, 2021 / 11:11 am

    I want a wiggly wombat…!

  2. Debg April 28, 2021 / 12:11 pm


    I got nuthin’. Brain fried from cuteness.

  3. Duckie 🐥 April 28, 2021 / 12:41 pm

    The questions no one will ask. Why do we find wombutts so scritchable? Is it the wombat or the human?

  4. Luv Bunny April 28, 2021 / 2:14 pm

    Those 3 wiggly wombats are so adorable.

  5. Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 28, 2021 / 7:15 pm

    splort Ovary explosion clean up on aisle nine!

  6. AJ April 28, 2021 / 7:22 pm

    SQUEE!! Baby tanks!

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