Optical Delusion

I’m telling you, I saw them! Snakes! Snakes everywhere! Just crawling out of the paper, like it was some kind of nightmare or something! No, I’m not on catnip, I’m totally clean, I swear!

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9 thoughts on “Optical Delusion

  1. allein 🐾 May 18, 2021 / 4:51 pm

    I always meant to try this on the cats but I kept forgetting.

  2. dubravkamcvmd May 18, 2021 / 4:56 pm

    Hmmmm. I can’t see it.

  3. Georgiana May 18, 2021 / 5:25 pm

    I’m not convinced the cat actually sees the optical illusion, he could just be playing with the paper as cats will do.

    • Blue Footed Booby May 19, 2021 / 9:39 am

      There are multiple videos of cats with this illusion, some of which have decoy paper without the pattern. Also, this dovetails with actual (as in formal) research into cat perception: he can see the illusion.

  4. Dulcie May 18, 2021 / 5:29 pm

    Kitty pounces on the spot that rotates so I am assuming it can see something.

  5. Debg May 18, 2021 / 6:44 pm

    I think both kitties see something. Until they get bored—then it’s paper pouncing as usual.

  6. fkaWaldenPond May 18, 2021 / 9:28 pm

    errr catfishing…?

  7. Maia May 18, 2021 / 9:54 pm

    Kitty is so confused at the end– like, “what the heck?”

  8. Not that Fiona the other Fiona May 19, 2021 / 5:24 pm

    Kitty: “I’ve got to cut back on the catnip…”

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