Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the weekend, Cutetropolitans! Today’s visitor is Scorpius from reader Deb G., who writes:

I thought people might enjoy seeing the elusive Scorpius, my feral, some Caturday. In the series of photos, you can see his favorite lounging spot. You can also see how hard it is to photograph a black cat, backlit by a window, hiding in his cave! Notice the full-on happy feet in the last picture.

And thanks to the miracle of Slideshow-o-Vision, we can see those “happy feet” in action!

In the video, he’s actually purring–he has a soft purr–even though he didn’t like having the camera in his cave.

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20 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dubravkamcvmd June 5, 2021 / 8:29 am

    Thank you for the pictures and the video, Deb G! What a handsome boy! And Scorpio is a perfect name for him. I love the purring and the kneading. You have definitely been accepted as part of Team Scorpius. Judging by how alert he looks I understand how difficult it was to get accepted, but it looks like you finally have been.

  2. Emsthemonster June 5, 2021 / 9:09 am

    Look at those beautiful eyes!

  3. AJ June 5, 2021 / 9:33 am

    Such a handsome boi! I love the progress you’ve made with him.

  4. Georgiana June 5, 2021 / 9:36 am

    What a beautiful boy Scorpius is and what impressive murder mitten he has!
    Good thing he was only using them to signal his happiness.

  5. Tara June 5, 2021 / 9:57 am

    Awwwwwww! DebG! Your Scorpius is so handsome. So wonderful you’ve been able to give him his space to be okay. Good things come to those who wait…. even a reeeeeally long time. 🥰It must give you so much joy to be able to connect with him this way. big sigh. Congratulations.
    Thank you for sending the pictures and thank you Mike for posting them! I can’t tell you all, how much I look forward to who will make an appearance each Saturday.
    Have a fabulous day everyone!❤️

  6. Duckie 🐥 June 5, 2021 / 11:47 am

    My, Scorpius, what a handsome boy!
    This week, I did some happy feeting myself. I made the first payment for my eye surgery. The family trouble people are at least looking at each other. My spider bite foot has returned to normal. Hubby is being tempted with job offers. The weather has returned to seasonal temperatures. I get my second covid shot on the 22nd. The US-Canada border MAY open this month. Duckie feels safe enough around both of us to fall asleep in the open doorway of her cage. The lady upstairs has rescued a picked on budgie who has turned into the cutest tiny tyrant. And best of all, my doctor has been able to return from South Africa after being there for almost eight months, working with Doctor Without Borders, to help with covid, and he will be signing off for my disability pension application!
    I hope everyone has some good happening this week. Have a great weekend.

    • N. Fritz June 5, 2021 / 12:00 pm

      This post warms my heart, Duckie! Such good news all around! 💜💜💜

    • dubravkamcvmd June 5, 2021 / 12:18 pm

      I’m so glad to hear all this! You have been having a tough time and now things seem to be going well on so many different fronts.

    • Debg June 5, 2021 / 12:28 pm

      Such great news! I’m so happy to hear that things are turning around.

    • AJ June 5, 2021 / 6:40 pm

      Yippee! Love all the good news. It always feels good to come out from under black clouds.

  7. allein 🐾 June 5, 2021 / 12:02 pm

    Happy Caturday! Glad Scorpius finally deigned to join us!

    Gonna be hot today, high 92. Got a good storm yesterday afternoon. I will need to log into work for a while, haven’t decided yet if I’m gonna do it today or tomorrow. We had a short week last week, I have two days off next week, and we have a lot of audit stuff to do, so I told my boss I would work a bit this weekend (he will let me make it up; I doubt I’ll do a full day so maybe I’ll leave early on Wednesday). I need to do some laundry and dishes, too.

    Saw this last night and couldn’t stop laughing. (The last slide has a video of him drawing it.)

  8. Dulcie June 5, 2021 / 12:02 pm

    So glad to see Scorpius! Just love him.
    I’m madly gardening… check in with you all later!

  9. Murray C. June 5, 2021 / 12:10 pm

    Duckie, it’s so good to hear all of your upbeat news!

    Scorpio’s is, indeed, a handsome fellow – great job, DebG.

    It’s going into the ‘90’s in SE Pennsylvania today – I’m sitting looking out the kitchen door at all the birds enjoying the 2 birdbaths I have – and there’s a baby bunny! Achingly cute. I’m planning on working at my drawing table today, I have an illustration job and since gardening is pretty much out of the question in the heat, I think that is my best option. Enjoy your weekend everybody!

  10. Debg June 5, 2021 / 12:35 pm

    My darling Scorpius Malfoy is on the internet! Thanks so much, Mike–the slideshow is particularly effective.

    And thanks, everyone, for your comments. I’m having a “mood” today, and you’re turning my frown upside-down.

    My boss and I finally had THE TALK about returning to the office. He’s letting people phase back in, and I might get two days WAH, as opposed to the one I had pre-COVID. We can also negotiate WAH when I’ve got big video projects. I don’t know how things will go with Scorpius once I’m not in his space all the time. He might actually miss me! Or not. He did want tummy rubs yesterday, which is always a lovely thing.

    We’re looking at a really hot weekend too. It’s a good excuse–like I need one–to spend the day weaving.

    • allein 🐾 June 5, 2021 / 1:26 pm

      I saw an article in the Atlantic a few weeks ago that said the optimal number of days to work from home is two. If you need any ammunition.

      We are still doing two days a week at home, at least through June; in my department we get to decide our own schedules, for the most part (we have to do two Fridays each month, and a few people are in every day because it’s just easier for them because of the job they do). I always do Monday and Tuesday, and then Thursday or Friday depending on my coworker’s schedule (I try not to overlap; if anyone asks it’s just so at least one of us is there every Friday but in reality I just like the quiet). Starting next week they said vaccinated employees don’t have to wear masks (but can if we want…up in the office there are so few people around most days that it probably wouldn’t have been an issue during most of the last year, anyway), and they are looking into possibly reopening the cafeteria soon. Then they will look at opening the gym later (which I also wouldn’t be too worried about for myself since when I used to go after work there was rarely anyone else there).

      I went to my parents’ for Memorial Day and it was just them and my brother. No masks and it didn’t feel as weird as I thought it would (I didn’t even think about it that much). And I hugged my mom. But then my parents got their shots in February/March, and my brother and I got our second three weeks ago Tuesday, so since it was just the four of us…. The state dropped the mandate for vaccinated people last week; I don’t know if stores will still require masks but I think I will keep it for the time being when I go shopping. (If for no other reason than to use up the disposable ones I have left.)

      • allein 🐾 June 5, 2021 / 1:44 pm

        They also said they would open the refrigerators again. We got microwaves back about a month ago. I think I will continue with my lunch bag with ice pack, which I’ve been putting in one of my big drawers. I like having it right there, since I usually eat at my desk while I work and then when my lunch time comes I just wash my dishes and spend the rest of my hour reading, and have not missed having to dig my lunch out from behind other people’s stuff. Though being able to keep a few days’ worth of milk for my tea again will be nice. I used to bring it in a bottle that held enough for my usual 2-3 cups a day for a week.

  11. Dulcie June 5, 2021 / 9:55 pm

    Wonderful to hear about your HUG moment Allein. OMG are we truly at the end of this? 🤞
    And also wonderful that The Duckies are doing well. Yay.

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