Hello Down or Up There!

Things are looking topsy-turvy at the moment. I’m not sure if I’m looking up to you or down on you. If you slapped my paw, would I be getting a high five or down low? Do I need a ladder to get down, or a rope to pull me up? I think I’ll leave that up to you. Or down. Whatever.

cat sits atop door, looking upside down
I feel a little woozy, like I’m gonna throw down. (Imgur)
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3 thoughts on “Hello Down or Up There!

  1. allein 🐾 September 10, 2021 / 3:27 pm

    Um…I think you’re up but let me help you down. I will cuddle with you until your wooziness passes. Then a little longer just to be sure.

  2. Duckie 🐥 September 10, 2021 / 3:44 pm

    That face seems rather human.

  3. Murray C. September 11, 2021 / 4:47 pm

    I’m a little woozy, too, been having the dizzies , but on a happier note I am in Maine, and I have just had a delicious lobster roll in Five Islands. And ice cream for dessert. I’m officially on vacation.

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