The Old Bark and Switch

Can’t an old dog get some nap time in his favorite spot without some yappy puppy wanting to play? Well, watch closely, because this pup’s about to teach the old dog a new trick. (via Murray C.)

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4 thoughts on “The Old Bark and Switch

  1. allein🐾 June 23, 2022 / 8:25 pm

    Um, I think there was plenty of room for him to lay in the light without making the poor old guy get up…

    Little one is very cute, though.

  2. Duckie 🐥 June 23, 2022 / 8:55 pm

    That’s not a puppy. Someone cleaned out the fur comb, accidentally dropped the removed fur, and then let it roll around in the draft from the A/C.

    • Alice Shortcake June 24, 2022 / 5:47 am

      It’s either that or a sentient bottle brush…

    • AJ June 24, 2022 / 9:14 am

      You two!!!🤣😆🤣😆🤣

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