Links: Dogs at Work

Take your dog to work day, shelter dog finally adopted, bloodhound wins Westminster, it’s an all-dog set of links!

And finally: Work It, Dog!

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16 thoughts on “Links: Dogs at Work

  1. Dubravkamcvmd June 24, 2022 / 8:49 am

    It’s great that Baby Girl and her human found each other . The Lotto winning story was not entirely happy – the human , on his way to pick up his pregnant pup who was not feeling well, takes time out to buy a lottery ticket. Hmmmm, universe once again indifferent to virtue.

    • allein🐾 June 24, 2022 / 6:26 pm

      “to get there as quickly as possible”…he stopped for a lottery ticket? I mean, if he stopped at the store to get something the dog needed and picked up the ticket while he was there, that line might make more sense. But it doesn’t mention anything about stopping for a dog-related (or otherwise necessary) reason…so at least as written, it doesn’t sound like he was getting to the dog “as quickly as possible.”

      • LupisLight June 25, 2022 / 12:03 am

        Presumably, if he received a call about it, it means that someone else was there looking after her already, so it wasn’t quite *that* urgent to get there, right?

  2. 6rabbits June 24, 2022 / 9:04 am

    That Agility winning Shetland Sheep dog was absolutely amazing on the weave poles! So fast!

  3. debg June 24, 2022 / 9:34 am

    Hurrah for Baby Girl and her new mom! And congrats to Ivy and her millionaire dad.

    I look forward to the other linkies! Agility trials are so much fun to watch. Maybe the cats and I will watch together, after I clock out for the day and we all curl up for our Friday afternoon nap. Lazy folks watching supersonic dog FTW.

  4. AJ June 24, 2022 / 12:05 pm

    It’d be soo cool if dogs at work was a universal thing. Two of my co-workers have little dogs (doxies and wa was) so I’d love it if they were running around here. Humans have way too much time on their hands to be putting watermelon helmets on their dogs. I think this face says it all “REALLY???”:

    Plus think of all the gunk in their hair and having to clean them after the fact. Yeah for puppers being adopted!!! Some dogs can be a challenge but I’m thrilled that the shelter kept persevering.

  5. Dulcie June 24, 2022 / 1:12 pm

    Crazy fast and agile sheepdog! I had to watch it a couple of times!
    And yeah Dubra…I wouldn’t be thinking about much else if my fur baby was sick. Especially not a lotto ticket. But maybe the millions have made her life better? Hope so! And the puppies will be so spoiled!

  6. Alice Shortcake June 24, 2022 / 2:09 pm

    Confession time: impressive as agility trials are, I prefer the dogs who insist on going the wrong way round the circuit, falling asleep in the tunnel and dismantling the fences.

    • Georgiana June 24, 2022 / 2:24 pm

      I totally agree with you Alice, the “wrong way pups” are my favourite!

      • Dulcie June 24, 2022 / 6:10 pm

        At some of the Superdog events I have seen, there are some trained “spoof” dogs. Doing all the wrong things in the most comical and endearing ways. 😁
        But yes, the impromptu hijinks of a wascally doggo is pure fun!!

  7. debg June 24, 2022 / 5:12 pm

    Watermelon helmets are further proof that we don’t deserve dogs–they put up with so much from us.

  8. debg June 24, 2022 / 5:12 pm

    Most days are Bring Your Cat to Work Day for me. Scorpius approves.

  9. debg June 24, 2022 / 5:18 pm

    Bee’s reaction when the judges called her name! What a precious pupper!

    She floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. Sometimes I forget about the sheer athleticism of many animals. Maybe because mine are, um, the opposite of energetic.

  10. Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 24, 2022 / 6:04 pm

    People who put watermelons on dogs’ heads are indeed sad and useless. Not Cute.

    • Dubravkamcvmd June 24, 2022 / 6:37 pm

      Desperate to post SOMETHING.

  11. allein🐾 June 24, 2022 / 6:11 pm

    Work would be so much nicer if I had a dog in my lap..

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