Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to Caturday, fellow Cutetropolitans! Today we have an update on a cute kitten fostered by reader Squidmuffin:

I mentioned before how Bertie and the kitten have been entranced with each other. Well, it’s gotten to practically lethal levels of The Cute.

Cat licks kitten on the head
Oh, you are so getting licked!

Even Cheshire has been won over by the kitten’s wiles. In perhaps a less dramatic fashion.

Different cat touches same kitten on the shoulder
Oh, you are so getting touched in a non-committal fashion.

She was officially adopted today by my neighbor, who, after considering possibly millions of names, has decided her legal name will be Hazel. I approve. And I’m glad I can still see her anytime and have already offered to arrange play dates with my own two fuzzballs.

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28 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Dubravkamcvmd August 20, 2022 / 8:12 am

    Hazel is a great name for a cat. She clearly has supernatural powers of cuteness – two unrelated adult cats besotted by the intruder?

  2. AJ August 20, 2022 / 8:35 am

    Squee!!! Win-win for everyone. So much qte so early in the morning must be illegal.

    Update on BIL, amazingly he is still with us but in critical condition. Hubs is flying out for a week to sort through the situation, talk with the doctors and make some decisions in consult with his brothers. Fingers crossed that this might just rally BIL and pull him through. My weekend will be spent running errands and doing some house projects. Maybe now that it’s a little cooler I can finish painting the dining room. I may even go check out a museum or two, our library lets people check out (for free!) museum passes. How cool is that?

    • Kar August 20, 2022 / 12:08 pm

      Good thoughts for your BIL. So glad that hubby is able to go out there to be with him.

    • debg August 20, 2022 / 12:50 pm

      Sending you and your family all the hugs and purrs.

      The museum pass idea is fantastic.

  3. allein🐾 August 20, 2022 / 8:52 am

    Love the name Hazel.

    AJ, hope having his brothers around will help BIL.
    Checking out museum passes from the library is a very cool perk.

    I have lots of chores to do but I hurt my back a few days ago so I’m not sure how much I’ll get done. It’s kinda bad right now but I haven’t been up that long. It gets better as I move around a bit so hopefully after I take a shower I’ll be able to do some stuff without too much pain. One of those things will be digging out the physical therapy exercises my doctor gave me when I did this last summer (that time it seemed to be causing nerve pain in my leg which is what sent me to the doc; not doing that now, at least, but after a night in bed it’s really hard to get up).

    • AJ August 20, 2022 / 10:46 am

      Feel better Allein! Back pain is no fun. I’ve wrenched my back in the past and sometimes there’s just no way to get comfortable or move.

      • allein🐾 August 20, 2022 / 10:50 am

        The most annoying part is I don’t even know what I did to it. I was at work on Tuesday and felt a twinge when I went to sit down at my desk and by Wednesday morning it turned into ‘no you can’t turn over in bed without wanting to cry.’ (I also need a new mattress which probably isn’t helping.)

        It’s much better once I’m up and moving around a bit but I’m trying to be careful.

        • Kar August 20, 2022 / 12:11 pm

          Another thing that helped me when I hurt my back are those portable heating pads/belts.

          Not exactly what you want to wear in August but the heat can be healing.

        • belphebe August 20, 2022 / 9:09 pm

          I’ve had that happen too, although for me I was sitting and when I stood up, suddenly there was a pain in my back. I wasn’t doing anything strenuous at all! Maybe I was slouching and didn’t straighten up properly before standing? Who knows.
          At the very least, if my back is going to act up, it should do it when I’m doing something crazy and/or dangerous, not just getting up from my desk!
          Hope you get feeling better soon, Allein.

    • debg August 20, 2022 / 12:52 pm

      Sorry about the back pain! Do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself.

      This meme looks very familiar to me. Weirdly, my current clowder aren’t into yarn.

  4. Geogiana August 20, 2022 / 9:32 am

    I do hope your BIL gets better AJ and I know how much back problems can be a pain ALLEIN.

    Took the 2 new kitties to the vet yesterday for their fist exam and their vaccine, Skye the 4 month old was treated for mites in her ears at the SPCA before we got her but the vet said she needed to be treated again, other than that she is in perfect health.
    Storm the one year old is in good heath except she had a little gingivitis so I’m going to try brushing her teeth 🤞
    The vet said that it looks like Storm had kittens in the past which made me sad because she’s so young but then we thought that Skye could actually be her kitten, after all they were found in the same cat colony and that would explain why they get along so well, why they eat and sleep together all the time and why the little one copies everything the older one does. They look nothing alike but with cats that happens sometime.
    Minnie for her part is doing OK, not great but OK, she’s going back to the vet this Friday to check the dosage of her medication.

    Leaving now to go to a Korean Street Food Fair, I have a list of things I want to try I just hope that there won’t be too many people.

    Have a good weekend all.

    • AJ August 20, 2022 / 10:43 am

      Good to hear about the kittens and Minnie. Korean Street Fair sounds like so much fun, and yummy! I think I’d literally eat my way through it, and then have to be rolled home a la Violet from Willy Wonka.

    • Kar August 20, 2022 / 12:13 pm

      Oh man, wish that we could meet up for the Korean Street Food Fair. Get some bulgogi, bibipop, chop jae, etc.

      Meeting a friend tomorrow for lunch at a restaurant, we have to decide if we want to sit in the sushi revolving belt area or the Korean barbecue.

    • debg August 20, 2022 / 12:53 pm

      Great news about the kitties. I hope Minnie rallies. I’ve got cat toothpaste and an assortment of brushes–fingertip style, round brush that they chew on, etc. Each cat likes something a little different, when I remember to do this task.

  5. Duckie 🐥 August 20, 2022 / 12:03 pm

    Whew! So glad this week is over.
    Allein, take care of yourself. AJ, glad your BIL situation is holding steady.
    Miss Hazel, you are destined to break hearts wherever you go.
    We have a meeting with the person at the hospital who deals with senior care on Monday. We have chosen three possible homes for my FIL, We’re hoping that our first choice will go through, as all his grandchildren, one DIL and one son (not connected) all live within a five minute walk from the home. If not, the next best option is a home within a five minute walk for hubby.
    Family Covid situation clearing up. Everyone has tested negative, and my sister’s family will be out of quarantine on Monday. I’m still dealing with the exhaustion from my having had it, and the addition of too much heat for too long, and my FIL situation, have only compounded the problem.
    Poor little Duckie is wilting from the heat. I’m worried about her. She refuses to use her bird bath, and misting her makes her mad.
    My BFF is taking me to do errands this morning. Must remember to nominate her for sainthood.
    Have a good weekend, everyone.

    • Kar August 20, 2022 / 12:15 pm

      Having a BFF like that is great, plus, time to visit.

      You’re lucky being so close to the housing options. I had to jump on a plane which was awful if it was an emergency.

    • debg August 20, 2022 / 12:54 pm

      Sending more hugs and purrs and good wishes. Take care of yourself first–if you can’t function, you can’t take care of anyone else.

  6. Dulcie August 20, 2022 / 12:36 pm

    Sorry about the pain in the ass back pain Allein. I recently tried pickle ball for the first time with brand new orthotics in my shoes and this old body did NOT like this rearrangement of muscles and bones!!

    Love hearing about the new kitties Georgiana!

    AJ – sounds like your spirits are up in spite of the precarious situation with BIL. I hope the family makes a positive difference. 💕

    Squidmuffin – what a great post!!
    “Oh you are so getting touched in a non-committal fashion!!” 🤣🤣🤣 I hope Missy Hazel thrives in her furever home.

    That reminds me of a comment I heard the other day…”I don’t date anymore…I just foster men until they go to their forever homes”! 🤣

    Duckie – yes it sounds like a good thing this week is behind you!! The FIL situation not withstanding. Here’s to a new week…🥂 cheers!

    I’m going to spend the weekend going around in circles as we are taking a two week holiday to visit friends and family around the country shortly. Well, the west side of the country at least! And I have no idea how to tend to my mostly ready to harvest garden and arrange my patio and indoor plants for tending by a friend when we’re away. Oh that downsize/move to a condo specter has been raising its head alot recently!!

    Have a good weekend all. 🎶🌻😎☀️🍺🍦

  7. Emsthemonster August 20, 2022 / 12:54 pm

    Beautiful kitties!

    This is a lazy weekend for me, it is so hot here that I have zero energy.

    It is a national holiday today, (my country was founded 1021 years ago) and I’m afraid there will be lunatics who launch fireworks and scare all the pets in the neighbourhood.
    Maszat isn’t really afraid of them, but the kittens haven’t heard fireworks yet.

    I hope Debg is enjoying the new home and everybody has a great weekend!

  8. debg August 20, 2022 / 1:02 pm

    Hazel is definitely a heart-breaker. It’s the perfect name and I’m so glad she’ll still be able to see her big sibs.

    Thanks for the shout-out, Ems. Loving the new condo, though I’m still trying to figure out how to cram in all my crap. Boxes and boxes of yarn and fiber still to unpack.

    Also, the new situation has changed the dynamic between my cats. Scorpius still won’t let me touch him, but he’s getting more into exploring. The other cats are also venturing out of the bedroom suite, at least a little bit. When I’m home, everybody has full access to all the rooms, and there has been minimal hissing. Maybe, just maybe, Scorpius won’t have to be separated from everybody, at least on my WAH days. Life would get much easier if I didn’t have to run day and night shifts for the cats.

    My big worry now is Beano, my only girl and the senior kitty at nearly 16. Her behavior changed during the packing: she stopped sleeping with me on her pillow every night and decided to nest under large pieces of furniture. She purrs ferociously when I reach under to pet her, but she doesn’t seek out affection anymore. She’s lost a lot of weight, though she’s still interested in food. I know these signs and they are not good.

    Sending you all hugs and good wishes for a beautiful weekend. It’s cooled down here, which is a huge relief. But the heat will come back, so I must enjoy it while I can.

    • Dulcie August 20, 2022 / 3:15 pm

      Sounds like two thumbs up for condo living. 👍👍

      • Dulcie August 20, 2022 / 4:46 pm

        And yes, all paws crossed for wee Beano to adjust. 💕

    • Dubravkamcvmd August 20, 2022 / 4:40 pm

      I’m sorry about Beano. Maybe it’s just an emotional reaction to the move? Old and doesn’t like change?

    • Kar August 20, 2022 / 4:42 pm

      Hopefully she’ll feel more secure and comfortable as the days go on.

    • Georgiana August 20, 2022 / 8:58 pm

      That sound a little like the change in behavior with Minnie my almost 16 year old after the new kittens arrived. Yes she wasn’t happy with the new arrivals but also the vet found a problem with her thyroid gland maybe you should have Beano checked for that.

      • debg August 20, 2022 / 10:28 pm

        Excellent idea! Plus I need to find a vet. She’s also got an upper respiratory thing going on, again.

  9. allein🐾 August 21, 2022 / 7:47 pm

    So I decided to watch a couple stand-up specials on Netflix and saw that they have a new documentary thing called “Inside the Mind of a Cat.” 😺

    • Kar August 21, 2022 / 10:53 pm

      Is it a horror feature?

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