Links: Koala-ty Time

Hot firemen and cute animals, puppy photoshoot, roaring kitten, and the happiest leaf pile ever.

And finally: Happiest Leaf Pile Ever

It’s Stella, sent in by Murray C.

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Wombat Watering Hole

Hey, it’s Wombat Wednesday, and time to showcase some random wombat cuteness. This little one has found a quiet creek with an all-you-can-eat grass buffet. Alas, and contrary to the video’s title, the wombat does not engage in any dancing, so if you’ve never experienced feeling completely satisfied and cruelly cheated at the same time, now you have.

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Links: Emmanuel, Get Well!

Famous emu recovering, prison therapy dog, cute stalker, and how to put kittens to bed.

And finally: Sleep Circle

Andrew Y. shares a way to get kittens into bed.
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