Weekend Open Thread

It’s another Caturday and time for the open thread. Today we find our friend Penny pondering a puzzle posed by her mommy Muppet2171: “When is a cat like a writing desk?”

Cat touches one paw to her face, as if thinking
Curiouser and curiouser…

But this wasn’t the answer she was expecting.

Same cat now has a notebook propped up against her body
I’d get up and leave, but that would take effort.

Bonus Cuteness!

Elizabeth G. would like to introduce us to her friend Terrence: “He’s new here.”

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14 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Alice Shortcake May 13, 2023 / 8:46 am

    Penny can prop up my notebook whenever she likes!

    The day approacheth when my bathroom is tiled and I can finally get the junk currently filling my backyard hauled away. Hopefully this can be done before I go to Stratford-upon-Avon for two nights on the 24th. Friends, riddle me this: why is a single train fare from York to Stratford £39, but a single train fare from Stratford to York £68.40 (£88.40 at peak times?) And no, a return ticket isn’t cheaper. Utterly bizarre.

  2. allein🐾 May 13, 2023 / 9:44 am

    Glad Penny makes herself useful…

    It’s cloudy today… my friend is selling her crafty stuff at the Bell Works market so I was thinking of taking a ride to say hi and get out of the house for a bit. Also have to figure out what we’re doing for Mother’s Day dinner tomorrow, which would be easier if my brother would ever answer me.

    • Dulcie May 13, 2023 / 10:47 am

      Brother’s are the same everywhere…😁

    • DEBG May 13, 2023 / 2:41 pm

      I refuse to believe that’s not a stuffed animal.

  3. Georgiana May 13, 2023 / 10:12 am

    Muppet is just the prettiest girl.

    I had a great week for a change, we’ve had summer like temperature all week. I saw the doctor on Thursday for the results of X-rays of my back and they found is nothing bad there, no slipped disc and such and the pain from my sciatic nerve is 95% gone.

    Skye’s new obsession is the draft stopper from the front door, she loves to drag it all over the house. I was going to put it away since it’s warm now but she looks so cute fighting with “the big grey snake” What do you think? LOL!

    • allein🐾 May 13, 2023 / 10:28 am

      I say let her keep it.

      • DEBG May 13, 2023 / 10:47 am

        Seconded. She looks adorable.

        • Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 14, 2023 / 10:49 am

          Why break up a beautiful friendship?

    • Georgiana May 13, 2023 / 11:52 am

      Sorry Penny I called you by your human’s name, how embarrassing for you I sincerely apologize.

    • Dulcie May 13, 2023 / 1:33 pm

      She definitely looks like she’s enjoying it. Needs a carrying handle though! 😸

      Glad you are feeling better G.

  4. DEBG May 13, 2023 / 10:51 am

    The elusive Penny, PLUS Terrence (who is just precious), PLUS bonus video of Skye tackling a giant “snake”–this is shaping up to be the best Caturday ever!

    Congrats to Alice Shortcake on her loo and Georgiana on reduced pain.

    I’m off in a few minutes to run fun errands at the garden center and post office, then quick grocery pickup and car wash, etc. We’ve had a lot of rain recently, which is badly needed, and it hasn’t been *snow* so I’m going to finish buying plants for my balcony. (The last round got somewhat damaged by freezing temps.) Then I’ll settle in for making stuff. Maybe I’ll try a walk around the reservoir, though the path might be muddy.

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  5. Duckie 🐥 May 13, 2023 / 12:15 pm

    Penny, I love your contemplative paw.
    Alice, the train fares are a trap. They get you excited to go somewhere for a good price, then make you pay through the nose to go back, knowing you’ll do it just to get home.
    Georgiana, glad to know your pain is going away. I fully sympathize with you.
    Hubby and I are recovering from food poisoning. Actually, to be honest, hubby’s recovering from food poisoning, and I’m recovering from his insistence that salad dressing expiry dates from 2021 are just suggestions. Now I need to add clean his section of the pantry, where he keeps foodstuffs I won’t touch, to an already crazy day, and prepare myself mentally for his indignation when he finds out.
    A spell of hot weather is here, and some of my patio plants are growing like crazy. I actually have to stand back when watering the peas. My experimental potatoes are at stage two in their grow bags, and it’s time to add another layer of soil.
    Duckie seems to be thinking about sitting on my head, but keeps changing her mind just before she gets there. I don’t mind the little scratches from her nails, but those tiny wings give a good smack to my head when she turns around mid landing.
    Off to wreak havoc on society while crossing items off my to-do list. Have a great weekend, all.

  6. Dubravkamcvmd May 13, 2023 / 3:30 pm

    Penny has the greatest Harumph! face. And welcome Terrence!

  7. AJ May 13, 2023 / 3:45 pm

    Penny is adorable and so useful too. Plus Terrence the turtle AND Skye the mighty huntress. Like DebG said, a very good Caturday indeed. Busy Saturday after a crazy work week. Already took doggies to the park, had a haircut, now waiting on car oil change then off to a friend’s daughter’s birthday party. Tomorrow is the the usual errands and attempt to do some yard work. Enjoy the weekend and to all the moms in the US, Happy Mother’s Day tomorrow.

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