Grandma brings home a kitten, cute gremlin dog, name a flamingo chick, black nose sheep, and more.
3 Pound Pup Looks Like A Gremlin But Has A Heart Of Gold
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via A9
Unique cat-capybara friendship a big visitor draw at Zoo Negara
The Star (Malaysia), via Elizabeth G.
And finally:
Murray C.
We need a TV series about the adventures of a herd of black-nosed sheep. I visualize them searching for the source of their favourite snack – ginger biscuits – or fighting rural crime with the help of a genius Border Collie.
I like both concepts very much.
Who was that black masked sheep? And that other black masked sheep? And the other…
Those sheep cannot be real, they look like giant stuffed animals come to life.
I was questioning if those sheep actually have facial features until they gave one of them a snack and it opened its mouth.
Those sheep are very, very happy (and very lucky). It’s almost lambing season, so all the shepherds who send me newsletters will start including photos of the babies.
I don’t know much about sheep farming but I don’t think it’s common to give sheep baths, those people must really care about them, which I can totally understand they are the cutest thing I have seen in a while!
Other links will have to wait as we are leaving to run errands.
Very interesting!
I’m guessing it’s *really* unusual for wool sheep, because bathing them can felt their wool.
Bob is a beauty. I too love the big ones.
I LOVE Edna!!💙 What a name for a dog😂 She is so sweet and loving, and seems to be a hoot to live with☺️
Regarding Capybara cat, I believe the cat choosing to hang with Capys just shows how truly intelligent he is!😉
Is there any animal on earth that won’t make friends with a capybara? It wouldn’t surprise me if aliens from the planet Phlxnwbdth43 are already en route, intent on cuddling with capybaras.
They’ve already been here. And they were so charmed…
That’s a very well-made capybara! I’ve seen some that are rather…iffy?
….annnnnnd…its out of stock☹️
OMG that site has the best collection of plushies I’ve ever seen.
I just met Penny and her Tangy kitten. Penny’s look of pure love as she watched the tiny kitten almost melted my brain.