Dog rescues owner, pink fairy armadillo, cat brings gifts, llama in the house, and more.
Every day this cat brings gift for woman who was kind to her
GeoBeats / YouTube, via Dana D.
Woman Brings A Tiny Llama Home. Now He Wakes Her For Breakfast
Cuddle Buddies / YouTube, via A9
And finally: Ferocious Fritz
For Tongue-out Tuesday!
Ruby is the goodest girl. She got the rare 15/10 on We Rate Dogs.
She deserves it–such a hero.
Allein – agree! I watched this several times, each time with my stomach in my throat and in awe of what Ruby did.
What a good pup!
Fritz would be more ferocious with teeth lol
Imagine being gummed by a baby hippo…
Oh believe me, I am.
Soft kronches …
I met Arnold the llama yesterday and fell madly in love. Llamas are so great.
So is Fritz! Vewwy scawwwy hippo.
I didn’t know there was such a thing as pink fairy armadillos !!
I saw a stuffed specimen in the Natural History Museum when I was a child and asked my dad if it was a practical joke! The animal itself is no stranger than a duck-billed platypus but the name seemed too good to be true.
Recipe here:
You mean you’re supposed to eat them?!?!
Ruby and Juno are the bestest girls. Pink fairy Armadillos get the win for today for the most unusual name and creature in the animal kindom. Never knew they existed but very cool how they adapted to their environment. Arnold the llama cracked me up, so relaxed and the lady is amazing for bringing him home. Then there’s her walking all the animals through the suburban neighborhood at video mark 2:26. Nothing to see here, just my pack of a dog, 2 pigs and a llama!
Totally off topic but you know you had an epic day of storms when it makes the NY Times – Below is just one pic. I know it’s behind a paywall but here’s the link in case you can try to read it
My neighborhood received almost 4! inches of rain yesterday. And the mayor declared a state of emergency. The trolley station and intersection near my house were underwater and so many other roads were blocked. Luckily no flooding in my backyard. Crazy day yesterday but now the sun is shining and everything is starting to dry off.
Is that line how high the water rose? WOW!
Yep, certain neighborhoods were just inundated with water. Streets were turned into rivers. There’s been bad storms before but yesterday was totally unexpected.
O my gosh!! I didn’t know this! San Diego isn’t a city that usually has this happen, is it? I send prayers to all who need help🙏🏻 Wish I could do more!
Nope, this is pretty unusual to get flash flooding like this. The city usually gets winter storms that are steady rain for several days not sky opening torential downpours dumping buckets of water in a matter of hours.
Stay safe, AJ. What a horror.
San Diego is not having a good winter., stay safe.
What floors me is the number of surfers who flocked to the city for the dangerous monster waves.
I blame Point Break.
Klepto kitty Juno has me in stitches–and tears of happiness that her mom understands her so well.