Stray dog visits dollar store, baby elephant mud bath, orange cat vibes, baby wombat Wednesday, and more.
Guy Finds A Stray Dog Inside Dollar General
The Dodo / YouTube, via A9
Beekse Bergen’s Youngest Elephant Calf Enjoys First Mud Bath
ZooBorns, via NTMTOM
Boyfriend Surprises Girl With A Rambunctious Foster Puppy
The Dodo / YouTube, via A9
Hashbrown the Kitten Has Serious ‘Orange Cat Vibes’
Cole & Marmalade, via NTMTOM
All these videos will have to wait for later; I was gonna save this for Caturday but the doggie in the dollar store makes it relevant. I saw a doggie at the grocery store yesterday! Probably a golden- or labradoodle. Couldn’t tell if it was a service dog or not; it had a little red vest but I couldn’t see if it had any kind of writing on it or if it was just a harness for the leash. Either way, it was too far away for me to pet so it didn’t really matter. But it made me smile after a not-so-great day.
My local stores do not have puppy aisles–I feel cheated.
Hashbrown and Omelette the gingers are fabulous. That marmitude!
Really anticipating all the other linkies later.
Hugs, Allein–not-so-great day is over, at least.
Well, it’s been a not-so-great week and a half, now. They did a big system migration last weekend that was “successful” except they broke something that is making things difficult for me. It’s calmed down a little but they still have not fixed the issue.
Soooooooo glad I don’t work with computers!
By “calmed down” I just mean we managed to get the data run that I need to be able to do the month-end close.
At least it wasn’t quarter end.
Those used to be extra extra where I used to work.
What an adorable doggie in Dollar General! Too bad it took so much time to adopt her, that must have been really hard on both😢 Loved his/her bouncy walk at the end. So much energy!
Of course, I love the baby wombatess🥰
I never thought I’d get a baby wombat for my birthday!
Happy birthday! 🥳
I assume today is it? Happy Birthday, Duckie!🎂🎼🎈🎁😁
Thank you!
Happy birthday Duckie!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Duckie!!!!
Happy day, Duckie! Hope you’re making the most of your day.
Many happy returns of the day!
Happy Birthdat!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes, 🐥!
Thank you.
I’m getting puppy envy from all these adorable dogs, Dolly the dollar store is such a sweetie and Spuds the foster fail is just too cute for words.
Plus baby elephant and wombat, how am I going to be able to function at all today?
think that we can all agree that Spud’s dad never meant for him to be a temporary resident.
Don’t blame him. After rehabbing and helping that little bit I probably would be too bonded.
Loving all the stories of animal rescue. Spuds came from a rescue in my neck of the woods. In the video, the shot of him on the beach shows the Ocean Beach Pier in San Diego. As soon as I saw it, I’m like hmmmm that’s looks familiar, lol. Dolly and her man, just awwwww. Talk about clean up on aisle 4! And even he buys her a doggy stroller, squeeeee! Now that is true love. Then top it off with baby huffalumps and wombats, way too much cute for a Wednesday.
I”m trying to understand how that woman sleeps/naps with that teeny bird without smooshing it by accidently rolling over.
Maybe she just never rolls? I know I don’t🤷🏼♀️